The Modlins

Don't mean to stir up a hornet's nest here, but just to be clear, I wasn't necessarily saying his apology was shitty — don't know if you were referring to me with the above or not.

Yeah — it seems the thing that people most often forget about the first amendment is that it specifically refers to government action against speech or speakers. As you've implied, it says nothing about how the public at large reacts. So, if Maher were to get fired, there's no legal grounds on which to claim it as a

Also a fair point.

This is a little off the subject, but it has to be said that there is also unconscious bias. I don't know whether this is an example of that or not — I guess it would depend on his thought process when he made the comment.

I agree with everything you said here except for the blaming it on being tired bit. I said this below, but I believe he was talking about not being able to sleep after the broadcast, not before — they do the show on Friday evenings.

Just a point of clarification: I think at one time he called himself a libertarian, but he's long since abandoned that label, and in fact he's been very critical of libertarianism in recent years, saying their belief that governments shouldn't provide basic services — like maintaining roads, etc. — is not feasible.

I'm certainly not defending what he did, but I think there's a mis-understanding about his reference to sleeplessness here. He does the show on Friday nights, and I think he's talking about not being able to sleep after the taping, not before.

Indeed. Sometimes it's the act of looking at the set list that bums one out in the first place. "Ah, man — is this really what I'm playing?"

Haha — you see a musician looking depressed (a fair interpretation), and I see a musician looking at a pedal or a set list.

When I saw this headline, I was picturing Michael Biehn, another Biehn who dies on screen (sometimes off) A LOT. Best Michael Biehn death: The Abyss — an underrated film with a great performance from Biehn, who is also underrated… even though I forgot his name for a second.

There's only one rule in Cat Paradise: don't go on the field when the people are out.

In my mind, the most melodic of the major grunge bands.

It's funny — I was just rambling about this on the Jeff-Ament-RRHF-shirt article. I think they were unfairly perceived as being less genuine because they were from LA (where nothing sincere could ever possibly originate) and because their debut album came out a year after PJ's. Fact is, though, STP existed first and

They suck.

Totally! So, My Big Fat Greek Clitoris will have to be an activist band and will therefore HAVE to change the world in order for the name to become part of everyday life. It's the reverse of the usual order, but it's still good, it's still good. You've got a lot of work to do, Jerkury!

Hey — I've heard many journalists say "Pussy Riot" with a straight face over the last few years.

Haha — pretty good!! When I first read it, though, I saw The Da Bulls, which works for 90's-SNL fans. Or George Wendt fans.

I was late to the Blur party, too — around 2000 or so. We just didn't get to hear much of them in the US, except 'that woohoo song'. A lot of Oasis numbers are well-written but have always smacked of insincerity to me.

Originally, my band was called The Beatless because we didn't have a drummer and because I wanted our albums to come immediately after The Beatles in music stores, which would exist forever. True story.

Uh oh — my band's in trouble, then.