
God, I need to get another one of those…. Dragon Milk is also pretty awesome. I have a Boulevard Chocolate Raspberry at home that is calling my name, also…

Oh, I totally ship Daenerys and Yara now. And Sansa gets Winterfell. Jon can be the dragon caretaker or some shit, not important.

Ramsey is too much of a piece of shit for Ghost, Ghost deserves only the best.


RIght, it's the entire idea of internal logic/consistency. You can get away with anything in your stories as long as you are consistent with how you treat them within your world.

We don't have research on the effects of guns and gun violence because public funding for that sort of research has been banned. Literally.

OH MY GOD. Now I'm so sad :(

Next people will try to tell us that katanas aren't magical killing tools!

Oooh, oooh, and arm blast cam shots!


I see two flawed people. While it's possible, maybe even likely, it will turn out as he anticipates, I will reserve judgement on that until I see it.

Hah, fair enough. I'll rephrase that as "I love Peggy and want her to be better than that."

Right? I love Peggy, but that was such a face palm moment. Come on Peggy, you're better than that!

I haven't delved too much into whiskeys, but sound intriguing!

St. Germain/spirits of elderflower! YUMMMMMMM. Also, when I was investigating this, I discovered, to my pleasure, that the house we had just purchased had a couple elderflower shrubs growing next to it! So, I also made my own elderflower infused vodka. I like to drink both with club soda to make them last. I also

Yeah, the morbid curiosity part of fascination, for sure.

The other night, I was reading jenna miscavige hill's book (picked it up cheap), and missed the start of Better Call Saul because I was so enthralled by the train wreck I was reading. It's just all so damn fascinating!

I see no reason to believe they aren't just good friends. Now, at least. It's possible that's just refusal on my part to read into anything too much, because I like them as friends. In the past? Possibly something went on in law school. I hope it stays with them as just good friends. I do agree that she'll meet some

Dude, I just got back from it, and a C- is waaaaaay generous. D tops, and the only reason it gets that high is at least I laughed through the second half of it.

These movies are my favorite guilty pleasure. So bad, and yet so awesomely entertaining. The most recent one, I made the remark that I'd never watched a movie before that felt SO MUCH like playing a video game. Just good fun.