The Missing Patient

I produced a musical and you're probably right, nobody is ever going to see it. It's called La La Land. I came on at the tail end after one of the original producers was dropped from the project. I believe the worse thing that can happen on a production, other than death, is if the studio or producers try to impose on

Producing is not the same as directing. As someone who just worked as a producer for the last 5 months, the worse thing a producer can do is to get involved in the creative process. We supply the director with what they need in order for them to see their vision fulfilled. It was the director, the cast and the

The Evil Dead was friends coming together and having fun bringing a creepy story to life. Their intention was to scare audiences but they were not desperately doing so. It was Evil Dead 2 that inspired me, it changed the way I looked at film direction and showcased Sam Raimi's unique talent for directing film. There

I've got bad new for you, joeybot. You've failed English class and, therefore, are not going into Grade 5 next year. I haven't been called a Clown since I was caught listening to Korn in 1996. Brings back warm, fuzzy memories. Thank you for that. Let me try to speak in a language you might understand… "Do or do not,

Anyone who likes the Evil Dead remake automatically kills their credibility. That Disney Channel special is one of the worse things to ever happen to horror. This series saved the Evil Dead brand but it looks like they're about to soil it again. It was hinted all through the season that Kelly was related to Ash

"Have you ever heard the words I'm singing in these songs?

Oddly enough, when I turned 33 I randomly decided to start listening to newer artists and try to expand my musical taste palette. This lead me to finding interest in jazz and hip-hop, two genres I've never enjoyed before personally, with bands like Flying Lotus and BADBADNOTGOOD. Just recently turned 34 and in the

Honestly, this man is just the wrong choice for directing a Ghostbusters
film. Both the writer and director just don't have what it takes to
meet our expectations. Sony should look back on The Heat and wait and
see how bad his new film, Spy, does before allowing him to do a
Ghostbusters movie. What made Bridesmaids a