The Misses

On Meet the Press, Todd asked his panel who the leader of the Democratic Party was. They all sat in confused silence.

Trump is one committing treason on a daily basis. Clinton has had a $600 million witchhunt aimed at her for 25 fucking years and the assholes on the both the right and left still can’t prove that she has EVER done ANYTHING illegal much less treasonous. Open your eyes. You got played by right wing and Russian

Yeah, this is totally normal. Nothing amiss here at all.

Good. They can make his orange ass co-President of Russia, then, since they love him so goddamn much. They can keep his traitorous ass if they like.

People are wrong. It’s not weather that’s messing with our mood; it’s the fact that he’s been elected president. I’ve been exhausted since early November.

The amount of energy that it is taking to not go off the rails every time Trump tweets or opens his mouth is goddamn exhausting.

While Rep. Lewis was literally putting his body on the line for Civil Rights, this man-child was busy dodging the draft any way he could.

Saturday morning, Trump tweeted that Lewis is “all talk” and “no action”—...