Yep, this.
Yep, this.
Thanks for the blow by “Blow.” Seriously that was perfect and it’s the kind of “not having your bullshit anymore” attitude that we need now. These Trumpers have been getting away with dogwhistles, foghorns and all sorts of thinly veiled and not-so veiled BS all in the name of “fairness.” Hopefully they let Blow start…
They are in a straight up Catch-22. They are a private institution that gets public federal funding.
It further proves one can’t buy class.
“Walt Disney”? Isn’t it known he was sexist, anti-semitic and racist? “The school is privately owned” - and now it becomes evident why DeVos will be a disaster. Private schools can do whatever they want, with little oversight, just like our system has been rigged so private companies can fire you for any reason they…
Just out of curiosity, why does The Root not use standard state abbreviations in headlines? Is that a J-School thing or a style thing?
I’m sure President Bannon’s already trying to find a DC job for him.
I am getting hoarse from yelling this, but Republicans don’t even have to like their candidates for them to show up and vote for them. They will literally vote for horrible people who they don’t particularly like, because they know at the end of the day, that they’ll largely get the job done that they want done.
Exactly. These people are in power because old white conservative bigots get out and vote EVERY single time.
Wait, was this in the car or the restaurant? This is kind of sloppily written.
Yeah, same here. Just... fuck.
Got the hand size right, though.
Trump wishes he had as much class as George.
I hope you’re just making these words up and they aren’t the actual lingo of some subgroup of people.
Prince George also has far better self-control.
“Artist’s rendering of White House transition of power. Image via Kensington Palace/The British Monarchy.”
I disagree with this artist’s rendering on the grounds that lil Prince George is entirely too cute to play our yamlike president.
Ah, you see, in this context “environment” means they will fuck up the landscaping that is meant to blind people to the fuckery going on underneath.