
Let’s not forget Tyrell’s last year’s utter breakdown, complete with God-talk, and how we were - through Joanna’s eyes - supposed to see him as pathetic and deranged.

The Wheelbarrow scene fits into that, so does Tyrell’s subsequent behavior. He crossed the line when he murdered Sharon Knowles, and he’s been tearfully

That is absolutely not what happened - read the post again.

I like all three actresses, and I have tremendous respect for Shonda, but all the characters in question are great examples of ‘tell, don’t show’ vis-a-vis their strength vs. flaws ratio. All the flaws are shown; all the strength is relegated to monologues. So... yes, “the real world has Hillary Clinton.”

I do think

This is all too accurate, and I now feel bad for fitting the stereotype

The community supporting Sanders is actually gathering info about local and state candidates with progressive views that would strengthen a Sanders presidency. A lot of first-time voters are being made aware that there’s politics after the election. That’s a damn great thing in my book, but perhaps encouraging apathy

I’m sorry. Please know that this is a stupid little troll; I think you recognize that it’s been hijacking every sad story with this idiotic tactic.

No problem. I never comment but I very much liked what you had to say and the responses you got were laughable. Both sides generalize, but it takes a special kind of willful ignorance to read what you wrote and deduce unicorns and fantasy.

You are great. The person you were talking to has perhaps one thought-circuit they keep looping on (practical stuff is good! Hillary Clinton is very practical! Naive people disagree.) and they completely failed to read anything you’ve written. It was kind of majestic to see. ‘Leader-like’, indeed.