Lawyer Morty

The Chiefs-No-WR-TDs one is still the most impressive to me. AN ENTIRE SEASON. Wow. It’s most crazy cause it’s not like they were terrible - they went 9-7 and were in the playoff hunt until the end.

I’m constantly confused here about this play- what’s the actual rule then?

Fuck the Seahawks. Buncha do-gooders and try-hards.

I’d say 2nd place goes to:

Well no one who gets paid to evaluate football players agrees with you, but ... cool.

I was just happy to see him stick out a whole postgame presser this time. Baby steps!


People, people, people. We’ve got to stop with the shaming of this woman for wearing jeans on television and get down to the real problem: I think she’s a hipster.

I mean... well you see... ahhhhhhh...

I have the weirdest boner right now.

I dont disagree that there were some tough to watch games, and the offense sucked ass.

Yeah for sure. This idiot doesn’t have mental issues, other than he’s a dumb and bad drunk.

Tiffany Thompson: “I’m going to ruin your career!!”

It’s 90% there... if he sexually assaults a girl tonight at an Iowa bar? Cosplay complete.

Announcer sounds like he’s trying to do an impression of the Simpson’s “Whitey Wackers” play by play team. Like a combo of the 2 of them. A little Scully, little other guy...

I’d watch out if I was that reporter who interrupted Whitlock. The last man who cut him off like that never worked at Arthur Bryant’s again.

Come on now, she’s edgy and wild and the voice of a new generati...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

It’s probably not also a coincidence that this new venue for Dunham has a lot of the former Jezebel staff? Or did I read that incorrectly in the post?

I have zero doubt in my mind that Lena Dunham is under the impression that everyone on the planet finds her interesting and at a minimum should ask her about the things that interest her.

Ahh yes, there is nothing a party loves more than the Condescending Sober Man. Always a hit!