Yes. This is a stupid drill.
Yes. This is a stupid drill.
ALSO against the Rockies tho. Do not count.
Against the Rockies tho. Do not count.
I now understand my Miller was so against fans storming the court: it’s a safety concern AND he doesn’t want to risk anyone touching his sweaty fucking self. What a humanitarian!
This is true.
I am shocked - SHOCKED - that John Fox and his staff weren’t able to find a good use for a quality player and got rid of him rather than use him in his true capacity.
Low hanging fruit, Barry.
You forgot the most important one:
Stop letting the truth get in the way of a good joke!
Nice Youtube comment.
Could she be any more fat?
The NFL offseason has never missed an episode of Survivor.
I get the feeling that everyone he sees on a daily basis secretly wants to kill Jon Gruden but think better of it cause maybe he can do something for their career later in life?
The NFL offseason says it supports Drumpf because he “has an old way of talking”.
All the stars. All the stars are yours.
It’s fun to play that game. Shit I’m only 32, how young do you have to be to not get it? 25 or less maybe?
+1 Bing!
“I love seeing female fans get into wrestling with this much enthusiasm, it really chokes me up!”
My man is on a hand right now, you guys. Let him work.
It is something, and it’s something I too hold dear.