
Ivermectin,. For when your poop-worms have Covid.

Neil also did Black Face in the movie. Also the movie was horrible (sound track ok).

Both Selleck and the character were in thier 40's, Hamm is 46. Not really a stretch. Magnum was a nam vet in the mid 80's, a part of the character was that he was often chided for needing to grow up and act his age.

Let’s try this again Sir. The one on the left is shit, the one on the right is Shineola...

I was watching Infowars and...

No, he lost the popular vote. By quite a margin.

He’d have been tickled pink. No shit.

Flav was considered a child prodigy and is a gifted multi instrumentalist. Chuck D has said in the past that the mixes and music in their raps was all pretty much his work. There’s you tubes of him playing classical piano among other things.