
here’s hoping

I would argue that all interactive narratives are games, but not all games are interactive narratives.

Man this game is going to be fucking weird.

I love that “they don’t yet have Asia expertise on team” as an explanation.

Many of his fans thought his campaign bluster was just a brilliant act and that, underneath, he was a sober and intelligent man. (Although SOME of them just LOVE this stuff, and they voted him in because they want to keep on watching the circus act.)

A few years ago, maybe 2013 or 14, Secretary Hillary Clinton came to my work (not Wall Street, tech company) for a fireside chat and to promote her book. She talked at length about her experience as SOS, and one thing she discussed was how much “small offenses” matter to so many leaders and countries around the world,

Look on the bright side, maybe they’ll keep him!

It’s a picture of him posing with his wax mannequin self. Take it down a notch.

He’s totally going to visit North Korea. It’s happening because why wouldn’t it?

Not mad, dying laughing here. I was so going to write DUDE, NO after the Hulk Hogan trial but was pleasantly surprised.

For a second I thought Jezebel had decided to commit suicide. That’s the Age of Thiel for you.

He wants to be sure everything is anatomically correct .

Spoken like a true cuck.

Like fish in a barrel!

Are you fucking stupid? The commentariat, like Glenn Greenwald, have been very anti-drone. None of the liberal commentariatii have called for assassinations. There’s been some bleedover from Breitfart and Jalopnik due to the death of Gawker, but in general, we the commentariat are anti-killing.

Should we spend the next 4 years bitching about Vietnam while we’re at it? You’re gonna need to compartmentalize your thoughts.

Since GWB? Please read some history.

Cigarettes. Don’t forget cigarettes. And fast food.

Vaping weed and Bombay are the only things keeping me from a rampage.