
her HP falls apart like all hacker movies except the movie Hackers.

I believe everyone has a right to privacy, even from your significant other. I think sharing passwords encourages controlling behavior and is basically founded on mistrust. I’ve had passwords before and found that it did not make me feel any more secure AND it did not stop that boyfriend from cheating on me with a

I can’t think of a legit reason for my boyfriend to have my account and phone passwords. He has his own accounts and phone. Why would he need mine? Absent some actual suspicions about something, why would I demand that he give me his? I don’t believe that just because I’m part of a couple, I have to give up all

But people TOLD subway that Jared was a pedophile and they hushed it up. Everyone should be suing subway, especially but not limited to the wife with SMALL CHILDREN that subway didn’t inform.

“she turned around to see an officer “still pointing the barrel of his rubber bullet gun at her.””

You ever notice how Black people are expected to put up with shit like this for the “greater good” but these same people get mad when their commute or brunch is interrupted by a Black Lives Matter protest?

Yes. It’s their campus they do not have to have that man on it.

Just because the asshole Trump supporters “feel” silenced doesn’t mean they actually were. And to expect people on a HBCU to pay for the security of a white supremacist on their campus isn’t free speech it’s called making the victims of hate speech pay to provide a safe space for white supremacy. It’s bullshit and if

Yeah, I think I’ll be flagging and dismissing from now on. Fuck them.

They can all fuck right off with their “well, actually...” bullshit. Quote me.

Dillard is a PRIVATE UNIVERSITY, btw, genius. And even public universities have easily-found policies and rules about being able to prohibit certain things and people on their campuses.

You don’t get to tell me or any other Black person how we should handle or react to racists or racism. It’s amazing that you think you can.

*shrug* It’s what they do.

What the fuck is going on in this thread? What is it with non-black people always telling black people how we should feel about racism? Why do they ALWAYS do this?

I just love this argument about how important it is for Black people to continue to be exposed to assholes like this, and that not wanting to be is somehow about being treated as if we are “fragile.” Like...we encounter various forms and levels of racism on a regular basis. We don’t need to experience or listen to it

No, free speech doesn’t mean that a college campus has to allow anyone who wants to come on their campus to speak. It doesn’t mean that anyone who wants to book space there can’t be denied because of what effect their presence might have on the campus. It doesn’t mean that anyone has to listen to you, or that you are

There is a difference between free speech and hate speech. Incitement and intent to harm a select group of people based on their race/religion/gender etc is one of those differences. Duke is a well known domestic terrorist and under the current social climate of the US he is now more dangerous with a platform than I, as a Black person, would not want my education money going towards protecting a person who thinks I am not fully human and should be treated as an inferior, enslaved, or killed. Differing political opinions are fine, but actual hate-group members? Nope. They can speak their views all they want but I

I’m an original founder of MechWarrior Online, and while I was beyond hyped during their closed beta, significant changes in open beta, and then beyond, ruined the experience from me. It was at first touted to stay true to the source material, but it quickly split with strange mechanics like “ghost heat” and

Man. I loaded this game up on Ultra and it took me a minute. I thought I was playing the original game at first. I’m not impressed at all with the Special Edition of this game, I did notice it when I got outside with the trees, water, ect. But not enough to justify this re-release. Still need to mod the shit out of