“These are clearly liberal spirits, conjured by a mainstream medium”
“These are clearly liberal spirits, conjured by a mainstream medium”
I’m guessing because he thinks being “able to be a model” is the only standard he knows for what makes a woman attractive? Like, not that he would ever care about plus sized models anyway, but truly the one barrier to being a model is if you’re short. ‘Cuz even “short” models are not really short.
Duterte later apologized, but that’s besides the point. He’s an ass.
Game is the right word for it. It’s a play right out of a pickup artist “Emotional abuse for dummies” manual.
Yeah, and as a short woman I would not at all be bothered by this.
What even? Why did he think she’d care if the world thought she was short? Why is being short a bad thing? Every time another bizarre anecdote comes out about this guy I can’t help but think he’s literally an 80s high school comedy villain.
“Later, he called and left me a message. ‘Can you believe this? Who would say this? I don’t want people to think this about you,’” she said. “He thought that I would try to go out with him...”
So, basically Donny ran for president because of an Obama vendetta from the State dinner jokes and because he’s, you know, black, and the racist Mexican wall-building bent was a vendetta because she wouldn’t screw him?
You mean besides the guys who were planning to blow up a bunch of Somalians in Kansas right after election day? Sure, it’s not directly Trump-Resistance related, but it’s certainly Trump-related.
He just made an absolute MOCKERY of our democracy. There are no other words to describe this.
They do because they can.
I hope that mutual friend read him the riot act for doing that. What an asswipe.
Man, that’s some serious Sex And The City shit right there.
What happened to you was worse. Much worse.
This should have more stars
This is kinda like that time my ex brought my ex best friend that he fucked while we were married as his date to a wedding where we were both mutual guests. But worse?
Yea, but, you know, something something “the timing of these releases” etc, therefore we can’t trust these women, or something.
Eh considering two of those games you listed are Blizzard properties, I think they’ll be fine.
The two country divide actually started when Lincoln let the Confederates off the hook after the war and just let them integrate back into society sans any real punishment. There should’ve been trials, hangings, and bannings of Confederate symbols and memorials.
I had a guy on Facebook calling me “sheeple” and worse while swearing up and down the Wikileak emails were steel-plated proof the Democratic primary was rigged. Of course, when I asked him to specify which email in particular, he said “Google it yourself!”
Good times.