Without a doubt, the lowest. And there was a lot of shit to dig under.
Without a doubt, the lowest. And there was a lot of shit to dig under.
I am so fucking embarrassed. This election has turned into a fucking sideshow. We are voting to elect the leader of the free world. What in the fuck happened to us? This is the lowest point in American political history.
*tears up Clinton 2016 sign*
Well, that clinches it. I won’t be voting for Bill Clinton in the 2016 election.
Lol why did I not think to pursue this angle. “Even Korean Pro Gamer Can’t Escape Vortex of Trump”
“the mess Obama has caused this country!!!”
Cool burner account. Do you have a Twitter egg I can follow to get more of your insight?
“That was ten years ago” works when you’re in your mid-20s talking about something you did when you were in middle school.
“For every woman I mistreat, there are others that I don’t.” Good point Donald. I guess you’re okay after all!
“I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”
Um. Donald. This is simple battery AT BEST and actual sexual assault at worst.
Can you hear it? That’s the sound of thousands of Youtubers pretending to be scared while they record their Let’s Plays. A true sign that Halloween season is in full swing.
So, grab them by the Donald Trump during the Vietnam War?
She’s a good pick for the start of Hanamura, Anubis, Illios, Volskaya, or King’s Row. If you picked her on say Dorado or Gibraltar then maybe you should pick someone else, IMO.
Also bear in mind, none of these ranchers, the Bundy’s included, want to own the BLM maintained land. They just want it returned to local control, i.e., towns and sheriffs.
More like way to kill yourself into a deep slumber. I can’t even reach the 30 minute mark on this movie without changing the channel or hitting the sack. God, it is a boring “storyline”.
Donald “i like people who weren’t captured” Trump said something offensive about servicemembers? Donald let-me-antagnoize-the-grieving-parents-of-a-man-who-died-for-our-country Trump said something offensive about servicemembers?
I think he is saying that it is up to the police to deal with it, and that the university is ill-prepared to handle rape investigations.
*takes a shot*
also, this is never brought up when say...they hold 3248570987609 benghazi hearings spearheaded by republicans against a democrat in an obstructionist congress.
Are we finally seeing the collapse of Trump as a candidate or am I just getting my hopes up?