
Thanks John Teti for your masterful reviews this year.
And thanks to Todd for all the great reviews before.

It's a helluva wink for a very dramatic series. But I buy it. Don is a creative guy and he doesn't write screenplays or paint. He would want to share his new inspiration in the art form he knows.

Season grades anyone?

Funniest show on TV right now. Yep.

I would quibble that it was the weakest episode of the season. But then I think this is the best comedy on TV right now.

That was a "kisses that last for three days" kiss.

Offerman is my first guess too.
Followed by Oprah.
But my secret hope is Denzel Washington in full TRAINING DAY mode.

Definitely one of the 8 most emotional "meep morps" in television history.

That New Jersey guy was pretty damn good. Also liked when he came to take Max away from Conan for his tour.

Easy…that's my avatar you're talking about there.

I'm going to say I think Pete was heartfelt. He's been lonely for several years. His wild oats feel sewn.

Teti deserves big time props. I hope somebody puts his reviews of the season up for a Pulitzer. No snark intended.

That's one of the things that changed and really changed quickly in the 70's. A lot of women and a lot of families really went through a huge transformation from the early to the mid-seventies.

You'd have to ask the seven others who watched but it did surprise me when he came home to them.

I just saw a monkey masturbate with a mechanical hand.
My life is complete.

I thought the grading was a little off the last two weeks.
B+ this week. A this week.

And "Velvet Thunder" wins television tonight.
(The monkey on Silicon Valley is just barely edged out for the silver.)

Parks and Recreation deserves some love.
Amy Poehler deserves some love.
Nick Offerman deserves some love.
Colbert deserves some love.
Mad Men deserves some love.
Jon Hamm deserves some love.

Straight up baller A+ episode.

He showed up a few of the big boys today.