
"Cunt ringtones"? Is it someone saying "cunt"? Are they talking about cunts, or just saying the word "cunt" over and over? Who's saying it? Did they just hold a microphone up to a cunt and use the sound it made as a ringtone? And if so, is it a literal cunt, as in a vagina, or is it a figurative cunt, meaning a jerk?


Damn it.

Really? maybe to Microsoft and its investors.

You shouldn't tag a post with the words Console Wars and then tell people it's asinine to talk about it.

Nuff said...

Man the graphics are amazing in real life =P

okay dude

The PS4 doesn't shut the game down completely when you go into another application. It suspends it. If you tap the PS button, it basically alt-tab's back into the game extremely fast, no loading. It is exactly like how the xbox switches.

I'm getting whichever console Naughty Dog is going to release their next games. And so far it seems they'll keep being Sony exclusive.

And yet it seems the gamers have already chosen what they want:


The truth hurts.

Second screen is solidly in the PS4's camp for the Remote Play functionality in addition to the Playstation mobile app, there is no draw there unless MS has some magical handheld we don't know about that I can stream Dead Rising 3 to and play remotely.

Something something Sony something something PS+ something something lolxboxbreakingforfreegames something something death.

Seems someone's a little hurt after spending $500 on a box that puts graphics over your NFL broadcasts. It's ok... everything will be ok.

Game: The Last of Us

There's a lot of titles on this list that I agree with. There's also quite a few I don't agree with. One thing that caught me eye, however, wasn't the games on the list, it was the lack of one game that I felt was pretty influential.

I would have added Heavy Rain.