
I would hope so! seeing as how the artist works for Comix Wave Films. Children Who Chase Lost Voices is my favourite from Makoto.

@ 7-Eleven??? really? "yo, imma run into the store real quick, want anything?"

What kind of deals do you peeps think will be available for Cyber Monday? Similar to these maybe? I'm hoping the PS4 Destiny bundle will be at least $50 cheaper that day. It'll be my only major purchase this year!

I don't get how xbox players can brag about how they get DLC first (Grand Theft Auto 4 was a huge one back in the day) but then get pissed when the tables are turned. Sure, Playstation players had a few games with an extra hour or two of gameplay compared to the xbox but that's just Sony using all that lovely space on

Quite the opposite! DC is just recently making a move after Marvel's Avengers blockbuster. It would have been just another Superman sequel if it weren't for Marvel destroying them at the box office. Now we'll have a film that introduces the Justice League instead.

Only 2? :/

Gran Turismo > forza

I shared it! it was pretty funny. it was merely stating facts. all the xbox kids jumped on it quick.

Batman is definitely not twisted enough to kill his nemesis while both of them laugh.