Theme Surgeon

I’m sorry, what an asshatted FAIL of a comment this is. The article is literally about the barrage of death threats and personal attacks on a state party chair, and you’re explicitly scolding Anna (a Bernie supporter) for covering that story? Because that is a legitimate story. Or maybe you think

Aggressive, violent threats directed toward women are widespread and underreported. I like Bernie, too, and I voted for him, but you’re human garbage if you think the right thing to do is to sweep this behavior under the rug for the sake of the campaign.

Whether or not Bernie would fare better than Hillary against Trump is beside the point. I hear too many Democrats acting like we have this election in the bag, and that’s a fucking dangerous attitude to have.

Bernie lost. Get over it. Now you’re just making him and his supporters look bad.

Exactly this. It’s not about which candidate you support or whether you think the system is rigged or whether you think Hillary Clinton eats dead puppies for lunch (she does).

Bernie would get absolutely destroyed by Trump. Hillary didn't even attack him and is millions of votes ahead.

Yes. I did not like the tone of his “condemnation”. He started by saying that his campaign wants fair rules. It really sounded like he was justifying violent behavior.

They are not “nasty tweets,” they are threats—some of them aimed at children. And if you think that’s not a major problem with the democratic process, I don’t know what to tell you.

If you’re sticking to the notion that this article is “one sided” are you asserting that non-bernie supporters were acting violently, making threats, and calling someone a cunt for doing her job? If that’s the case you may be right but otherwise, this article is about covering an unwarranted series of violent

it goes without saying that I condemn any and all forms of violence, including the personal harassment of individuals. But

Apparently people can’t help themselves and break into unruly mobs in high crime areas. The smell of poverty just whips them into a frenzy! The fact that Sanders’ supporters didn’t is a real testament to their character.

“I can’t really say for sure if there was an intention on that,” he replied. “I don’t really want to say too much.”

“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.