
I’m gawking at my monitor, but I can’t remember who.

Oh man... the rare apple prototypes! I remember a few years ago (maybe more than a few) when some media company got a hold of an iPhone 4 from a bar and it caused a HUGE problem. They weren’t invited to Apple events, I think there were some legal ramifications, etc. Have to go look up who that was...

He thinks the rich Lebowski is the actual hero

I’ve gotten so many emails from the Nigerian prince and princess on this list but I always delete them! I could have been wealthy!

If they donate the extra money received from the higher paying group, yes, I fully support it. If they pocket it, it’s racial exploitation, and deserves ten to life.

Who else lol’d when they realized the guy capturing the video was riding a scooter?

From my understanding, they eventually shut em down and opened up shops. Small business owners.

“Smart people” realize the book is full of crap. Remember the chapter on smoking banana peels?

I’m not going to give him any slack, racist is racist. But even if you’re initially willing to give him slack, when a SHIT TON of people tell you you’re being racist, take the fucking hint, and at least consider that it might be racist. His fucking reaction is the EXACT reaction of an ignorant racist.

morons can’t even stereotype correctly.

Sure sure, but that Gas... They install that at the factory, you know. But... I’ll check with my boss.

How is it even an option when its “included”, do you have the choice of getting one with a bone dry tank.?

Hmm. VATS.

Now playing

Must be a Girl Who Leapt Through Time cosplayer taking things too far.


Well, first of all, keep in mind it’s just speculation on my part, because this is the internet.

Georassic Park, here we come!