
You’re an idiot

Take your star

I always seem to wind up watching Andromeda Strain once a year. Love that movie.  Same with Gattaca

Counter point.

I don’t get it? This comic strip. I totally think banning Maus from schools is dumb. As is banning the watching Schindler’s List. I got dragged to a..... ‘sex ed’ video where they showed a whole live video of a woman giving birth in 8th? grade. I haven’t even kissed a girl! But even by then we pretty much didn’t sway

This type of stuff is why I don’t talk to my neighbors.    You do your shit and I’ll do mine.

I’m pretty sure the whole YouTube thing is.... Well for fucking clicks.

*Also to make people talk about the issue. So... Success?   .I hope so.


Dany Dyer’s Chocolate Homunculus.  That is all.

I think he’s doing the Norm MacDonald bit about Bob Saget or whoever.

LOL. I just stopped by to say I love the use of a still from Tree’s Lounge for the main pic. What an oddball choice. Awesome

This is gold.  Enjoy your star

^ Talking about Covid I assume.

^ Talking about Covid I assume.

........ Shut up Meg.

I played this via the steam version last night. The online multiplayer servers were garbage. Very few playing and the pings per server were all over the map. Any idea what is up with that?

Now playing

The YouTuber has some AMAZING documentaries on old gaming as well as new gaming and other topics.

I’m a drug addict because big pharma, my doctor.”    This is a Big Pharma thing for sure.

That’s because Band of Brothers was a goddam masterpiece. Also if you’re into HBO shows like that check out “From The Earth To The Moon” I thought it was fantastic and doesn’t get near the praise it deserves.

Oh fuck it. Seriously if it’s the Chernobyl guy I’m totally down for this show. I haven’t even played the games or gave a shit about this show but now I am no-joke stoked. Chernobyl was fucking amazing.