
.... This makes me sound like a dick.

I’d love to see a silver lining from this that places like Taiwan and Veitnam really get to step up and benefit from the lack of China’s dominance on the world’s manufacturing market.

I also want $1 Billion dollars and make out with Taylor Swift everyday for the rest of my life.

I kinda feel the same. I work at a hospital in a job where I’m more than likely GOING into a room face to face with a patient that has it. Let alone the thousands of fellow employees.

But that shit has to get done so... Here I go! I’m going to do what I’m sure many in the field are planning. Treat this shit like TB

This my take also. I’m super stoked about this... But I was pretty damn young watching them on Comedy Central as a kid. Fuck for two years in High School (Maybe Middle School..!) I was absolutely ape shit about these guys.

But damn are they getting old. My family has crazy weird genetics where we look like highschoolers

Simon Pegg fucking ruined the last Star Trek movie.. sooo, fuck that guy

God Chernobyl was so fucking good.  That is all.

To be honest. Any $1 drink from Applebee’s is going to be watered down like crazy...

Me and a few freinds had a late-ish dinner at Applebee’s one Saturday night. And yea we all have a few long islands and beers, maybe a shot of something each. We weren’t being wild or rambunctious (in fact we went out of our way to sit in an area where there were not a lot of people. And then it happened. We asked for

I love Warren... But that goddam native american thing screwed her. No red state (or voter...) will vote for her no matter how much they even ‘might’ dislike Trump after that. Unfortunately Buttigieg can fall into a similar fate “I like him, but he’s GAY!?”. I hate to say it but if the Dems have a chance it’s with the

Actually, thank you. That’s really nice. I want to be like “Ohhh it’s not that hard..” But yeah, it can be. I seriously don’t know how many people I’ve seen just die in front of me over the years. And it happens, and you get your shit together and you go to next room for a different patient.

??Is this a thing?? Are we (myself and my honky brethren) well know for liking our steaks rare?? I mean... “I” do like mine medium-rare... But I mean, Jesus Christ. How does every other race like their steaks?? (*cough* Not being racist *cough*) I’m just blown away that this is a thing.

Fuck Raccoons. Yeah they can be cute. But they can also move onto your property and mess things up. I’ve got a couple of those bastards that like literally shitting on my roof. I high-five anyone I talk to that has hit one with their car.

I’ve worked in direct patient care at a hospital for almost 20 years and I could probably have someone blow up from a grenade and shower me with blood and still wonder what kind of pizza is down in the cafeteria.

What the fuck are you talking about?  They made some good points and you have not.  

I’m seriously wondering all the ways you go out of your way to bring up how you went to Yale to people on a daily basis.

During a canoe trip in the Ozarks I didn’t have time to stock up and by some by freaking chance there was these couple of high-school?.... Freshmen in college kids? that just kind of randomly asked anyone within ear shot of our group if anyone smoked weed.

I think a few other people in my group may have had some and

Hell yes.

Loved the Comic. Loved the Zach Snyder movie.

The HBO series...   Really wasn’t that good.

You got his take on it completely wrong...

God I love Titanfall 2 but NO ONE plays it. The servers are a ghost town.