
Oh common man. Shit does happen.

.... Don’t you try and take that there is indeed a hell away from me..! I’m rooting hard for one to exist.

Weird gross guy rant...

Bahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I’d marry Charlize Theron right know! She’s always seemed so dope and cool and of course BBBeautiful!

So what I’ma sayin’ is.   I’m sure that’ll work out.

It WASSSS good. But that shit needs to die two or three years ago.

I’d much rather someone that can’t handle situation to at least record the event hopefully to lead to an arrest.  I don’t want some 95 pound 17 year old (boy or girl) getting involved with something they can’t handle just because they “should” have done something.

It should abso-fucking-lutely should be abolished. The practice is fucking horrific.

(Grown ass man here saying “Give me back the rest of my goddam dick you fucking idiots.)

I saw this was on sale on Steam so I’m going to go ahead and get it for the weekend. I’ve got a few friends that play it so... Should be fun!

LMFAO Geeezuuuz!

I know this is a year or so later. And I probably read this at that time and that’s why I didn’t post a comment... But.

100% “If you want the great view of the city that the Hancock offers, skip to observation deck and go to The Signature Room bar (there’s a special elevator on, I believe, the north side of the

The mixed drinks are shit but goddam if TRH isn’t delicious.  Those green beans man.. mmmmmmh

My 2 cents means jack shit. But I’m going assume the dude just didn’t know that.

How the fuck are these people still relevant!!?!?!?!?! AHHHHH!!!! I’m losing my goddam mind!!!

Back in the day the second that dude cracked me up on that Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza shop’ I knew that he was going to go big.

Also thought the same thing about Ben Foster and Jewel Staite when I watched that show ‘Flash Forward’ when I was a kid.

Eh’.   They’ve all done alright!


All serious context of this video aside.  Why even film anything at all when it’s painfully obvious you have no idea how to hold a fucking camera! 

That’s some Klingon action right there

.... Can I get a TL:DR of that bro?

Gawwwwwddd..... Who gives a FUCK what this bitch thinks about anything!!?

Burger King is trash and has been for at least 20 fucking years.

This fucking idiot... Not only does this hurt causes for racial and gay equality but it gives the Alt-Right more bullshit ammo to PR their hate agenda.