
...... what the fuck is this shit ..... !!!!!!!

Negative. We just need a good True Detective season 3.

Screw what anyone else says. The movie and book were both goddamn masterpieces and I’ll for sure be picking this up.

Fight Club for sure has survived. I’d like to think Rules of Attraction has also. Really also American Psycho. (If you would count those.) Doubt so much for Kids or Gummo.

Here in the states that guy would have gotten lit up like a Birthday cake.

I’ve found Wendy’s can be extremely hit or miss. But when it hits, it hits it the fuck outta the park.

To be fair I liked him when he was on that episode of Always Sunny.

Oh man... I now realize I’ve been the Kramer to a few neighbors over the years. Well... If Kramer had no problem getting shitfaced at home and having no shame about doing dumbshit things outside and interacting with people in the neighborhood while openly intoxicated.

I’ve had similar experiences once or twice. That shit is super confusing.

I still get shit for it but I really like a few Kid Rock songs always will.

I figured when the comet hit the game would no longer be free to play... But honestly, gotttme!?

Ahhhhhhh. I get it :)

I GD love Morrowind. Any chance there are mods for higher textures or at least 16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratios? I’ve half-assed looked it up before but you sound like the person that could lemme know yes or no and maybe where to download if available. ?

I’d say Borderlands is at least kinda demanding for a laptop or low end pc.. But maybe my laptop just is shitty.

Aahhhhh... ‘I used to play TOON with some friends back in the day. Miss that shit.

lol, good stuff man!

I think I’ve got a few people beat.... I actually still watch the Simpsons every now and then.

Born and raised in central Illinois and I’ll tell ya’ this is the goddam’ truth. You always knew some helluva storm was coming when it started getting green in the sky.

Dude I know what you mean about the internet also... When I finally saw 2 girls 1 cup I was like... “Uuhhh.... That is it?” as in mild compared to the shit that I’ve seen on the Inetz.