
Yeah man, kinda, Jalops do this a few times a year it seems. I know they’ve nailed a few of them (correct cars). Plus, this is what Jalops do!

I’m assuming it was stolen and ditched or something. Or fake vid.

HAHAHA! awesome

Washed out the bottom of the porn industry (when of age) is all I want outta dis bitch.

... Someone hasn’t watched FightClub...

^Goooodddddaamnnnn terrible...!

.... Perfect.. !

Any PT Cruiser..... GRrrroooossssssssssssss!

I’ve never goddam gotten those things to work.

Now playing

I’m pretty sure it’s a reference to this video where “If Jack talked like he was really from Wisconsin”. (I for one think it’s hilarious!)

Lol I love this.

I literally beat Portal the other day for the first time! (woo for me beating a 10 year old game...) But really, what a great game! No damn way I could beat it without moving the mouse tho, that’s nuts.

Hrrmmm.... Neat stuff! Good to know. Thank you kind stranger!

uugghhhh. fuck offffff.

How would a stock tracking site let you know about about a SNES Classic pre-order sale? Is it like news articles or just numbers? (also.. what site, I just wanna see what you mean in action.)

This girl for sure needed a CT. An Xray wouldn’t have shown anything.
If the EKG and heart monitoring showed a normal sinus rhythm, even with PVCs any ER doctor in the country would have sent this girl home. That is also given that the lab results didn’t show any signs of blood clots or they didn’t order a Stress Test.

I know I’m going to get a big “fuck you” & hopefully some “can’t take a joke?” comments.

But “Wypipo Tournament”... Damn that’s racist.
As any “*Insert Race* Tournament” would be.

Freedom of speech and all, but damn.

(White guy speaking so, throw me on the list where I belong I guess.)

Sanders would have won.

I dunno... A battery pack that will charge your phone 2.5x is super cheap compared to a battery case that can do the same. In fact you can probably buy two battery packs that can do a 2.5x charge of your phone for the price of one battery case that can only do one 2.5x charge.