
^This & ^This.

“The long-awaited showdown between Mulder and The Smoking Man spends half the time with Mulder lying on the floor?”

That cracked me up!

That cracked me up!

I can’t sleep for shit. My doctor even gave me ambien and I hadn’t slept for days and a took 4 of those things just to knock myself out, still didn’t sleep a wink but felt like I had been shot with a tranquilize dart. Surprisingly I tried that Midnite stuff and it actually helps but I have the damn CRAZIEST dreams.


Hey yoooo..... Is the deal over or something? I can’t find it for anything less than $100. I am logged into my account! HELLPMEEE I want this deal! :(

Hey yoooo..... Is the deal over or something? I can’t find it for anything less than $100. I am logged into my

I totally want to go as ‘Tracy Jordan’ from 30 Rock in full black face... But I know it would go over terribly.

Also, I know it doesn’t come up to often...

What’s with the white car that is obviously facing the wrong direction? Towards the crazy minivan driver? Did those two aggressive as fuck dudes hop out of that car blocking in the minivan dude? The whole thing is one big WTF. That poor girl though she obviously didn’t have shit to do with it.

I really want to like Nixon but between the reviews and cost I just can’t pull the trigger on any of them.

I really want to like Nixon but between the reviews and cost I just can’t pull the trigger on any of them.

Now playing

I came here to say I also LOVED Papers Please... This isn’t the same company though?? Bummer..

Also, can’t beat that into to Papers Please!

Pretty weak speaker game for a “Music Lover’s” anything.. (That guy!)

Uhhhhhh. Not every single one, but uhhhhh, a sure heaping ton of them.

Wha.. What is that??

And I’m a sucker and now want to buy whatever the hell those little StickBot toys are. (the Ad before the video)

ah, bro. No shame in shameless self promotion and it’s totally relevant. had you provided a link I’d be watchin it right now! (Wait you did post it lower down so I will watch.)

I didn’t know Wes Anderson made commercials.

Now playing

I ran across this awhile ago because I watch way to much youtube.

Bending copper tubing like that with ice.

Yuuuuuuup. I’d take the shitty joke of back seats in my Mustang over no back seats any day.

And isn’t it insurance cheaper when you have back seats? (Or am I way off on that..?)