
Totally lame comment here...

I pretty much splooge my pants everytime I see that iZombie girl... I haven’t even watched the show because I know It’d just turn into a mindless fap-fest of watching that on TV while I search every know porn database I know looking for girls that look like her getting “iZomdied” on my

What’s with the white car that is obviously facing the wrong direction? Towards the crazy minivan driver? Did those two aggressive as fuck dudes hop out of that car blocking in the minivan dude? The whole thing is one big WTF. That poor girl though she obviously didn’t have shit to do with it.

Well like you said.... You live in the goddam Philippines.... You already have a whole class of third world shit to worry about so, sure what is the threat of one more.

Should have won an Oscar for Adaptation...

I really want to like Nixon but between the reviews and cost I just can’t pull the trigger on any of them.

I really want to like Nixon but between the reviews and cost I just can’t pull the trigger on any of them.

It could have been Biggs if Wedge is coming up... Even though he died in the Battle of Yavin.

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I came here to say I also LOVED Papers Please... This isn’t the same company though?? Bummer..

Also, can’t beat that into to Papers Please!

Pretty weak speaker game for a “Music Lover’s” anything.. (That guy!)

Uhhhhhh. Not every single one, but uhhhhh, a sure heaping ton of them.

I’ll take the Real Doll version please.

AAaaannndddd I just ordered his art book of Amazon haha

I thought it was hilarious, ya’ fuckin mook.

Avatar was fucking garbage.

equal to 7,000,000 cars... Every day!!?

Now playing

Every time I see a how it’s made video I always think of this...

I know.. I know.. haha still bugs me. Even thought not being the same Universe.

Ben Affleck was Daredevil and Batman.
Ryan Renolds Green Latern and Deadpool.
Plus the two you mentioned. Yea, I think it’s bullshit they can’t just find someone else to play these roles.

When I was really broke but still to wanted to be a dirtbag with my buddies a night would consist of a pack of Paul Malls and a six pack of Walgreen’s BigFlats beer (at the time a six pack was only 2.99). With a couple of McChickens. Those days man... Those days... (actually kinda sucked haha)

Wha.. What is that??