
And I’m a sucker and now want to buy whatever the hell those little StickBot toys are. (the Ad before the video)

ah, bro. No shame in shameless self promotion and it’s totally relevant. had you provided a link I’d be watchin it right now! (Wait you did post it lower down so I will watch.)

“Ban Sex Robots” ??!!!! “Development of sex robots should be stopped”

I didn’t know Wes Anderson made commercials.

Why not? Just curious.

Good grief people are mighty pissy in the comments about how to ‘properly’ cook a steak lol. Who knew it was such a hot topic.

Now playing

I ran across this awhile ago because I watch way to much youtube.

Bending copper tubing like that with ice.

Jeeeeeesuuussss Christttttt!

I love and hate whoever put this freakshow of a compilation together.

(Also, because I’m a pig, she’s kinda a total babe though)

Good grief this movie looks awesome.

Yuuuuuuup. I’d take the shitty joke of back seats in my Mustang over no back seats any day.

And isn’t it insurance cheaper when you have back seats? (Or am I way off on that..?)

I’m pissed I didn’t catch that poster in Dallas Buyers Club, I mean... da’fuq?

Yea, keep up the good work Kotaku. Fuck Ubisoft and their trash games right out of the gate. But sad to hear Bethesda is acting like this.

There should be a Butthurt-perk mod in Fallout4.

Back in 2005 here in Springfield, Il a guy in a vader mask robbed a movie theater that was playing episode 3 at the time.

Lifehacker evil week over here lol

Lifehacker evil week over here lol

I got one just to mess around with also haha. Really the only thing I have ‘used’ it for was checking the temp of the pool during the summer. I do ‘plan’ to go around the house and check for spots that might need some insulation. I’d say it’s probably pretty accurate for cooking...

I got one just to mess around with also haha. Really the only thing I have ‘used’ it for was checking the temp of

All I have to do to introduce my “significant other” to my friends is wave my hand...