
It’s good to see most people on the road know to get the fuck out of the way and stop as far out of the way as possible also.

Bring on the new evolution of the Real Doll...


I’m dying to know of any digital photo frames that will play animated .gif files???! Anyone know if the one listed does..? If not... know of annnyy that do?

I’m dying to know of any digital photo frames that will play animated .gif files???! Anyone know if the one listed

Just let the 5 year old sluts show thier damn shoulders. That way the 5 year old frat boys can claim “she was asking for it wearing spaghetti straps!”




No leagues??? Buuuulllllshhhiiiitttttttttttttttttt.

The perfume / cologne outlet stores always have crazy good deals... If you can hold your breath long enough in those little shops to make it in and out before you die from the fumes.

(I seriously have no idea how anyone could work a full shift in those places)

You refill it with the cheapest swill you can get and act like it's a big deal when you pour it in a glass for someone that would have no idea what good hooch is.

For me it was the rear view mirrors, you can see perfectly out of it on the right but on the left it is dark because of the angle of the camera.

Cheap way for me to call it, but that's what did it for me.

4 hours of audio, decent quality?? huh.. Sounds like not to bad of a product for its time if the prices were not to crazy.

I picked up that "OxyLED MD50 Cree 500 Lumen" flash light last time it was on sale. I can vouch thing is insanely bright, especially given it's size.

I picked up that "OxyLED MD50 Cree 500 Lumen" flash light last time it was on sale. I can vouch thing is insanely

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it once and for all. Fuck American Apparel.

Yea, that sounds about right


I think it's "thats a bitch ass move"