
Viewsonic 21.5" touch screen monitor that can be used with Win8 and has Android built in. Giz had a link to it refurbished for $200. I needed a new monitor and took the leap. Very neat and very impressed.


god I love dieselsweeties

I sure the hell do want a 3D Futurama movie!! I'd take any new Futurama anything honestly...

... Myspace

reminds me of the intro to portlanda lol

agreed. this is the song of the summer for life to me

Awesome article. Kudos!

I've always had this guys back.. But what did he just say about The Wire's second season?? First time I've thought treason about anything he has said... We gotta get this guy outta Russia and back home or at least watching The Shield as soon as possible.

Seems legit.

I have used a CVS branded anti-acne facial/body soap that has triclosan in it. About a month ago I haven't been able to find it at any CVS.. Every other soap has garbage menthol in it or just that do-nothing salicylic acid crap. I use stuff that has 10% benzoyl peroxide but I used that WITH the CVA soap that had

Can some some please, please, please make a .gif loop or short video clip of the kid at 1:27 saying "That was great! Totally awesome!" ????? Thank you so much in advance!!!! That kid is a goddam retro internet star in the making.

I'm going to hope that some of this design is for an effective roll bar. I drive a 2010 convertible mustang (far cry from a Porshe 911 T) and the lack of a roll bar kinda freaks me out every time I think about it. As nice as this things looks and the extra open air with the 'top down' it's got my thumbs up. I don't

This shit's amazing

I don't think anything is cooler than that!

You'll wake up at the bottom of the ocean. You'll wake up in the middle of a city that was subject to a nuclear blast. You will be standing alone in the fallout of whatever has happened.

Evolution. More than the organism reacting and adapting to the the environment, the environment reacting and adapting to the the organism. That cycle again and again and again and again.

That's eeexxxxaccctttllyyy what I mean.

I've always used my shadow as a 'spider-sense', ever since I was a kid. I'd watch the shadow from my feet and the silhouette as it cast itself against paved roads or concrete sidewalks. At 31 I have never had to use this 7th sense. But it makes me all the more confident walking any road or parking lot in the dead of
