It’s an Intel Xeon E3 running at 3.5ghz, it’s just a server CPU I got off a friend for an incredibly good price
It’s an Intel Xeon E3 running at 3.5ghz, it’s just a server CPU I got off a friend for an incredibly good price
Really? I have a 1070 and I have almost everything maxed (reflections and LOD set to medium) and i run it at 60-70fps with some dips to 55
Sure it does.
His name is Axe.
On steam, if you can sell an item there is a 95% chance you can trade it using steams trading system, like how you can trade cards for the steam badges. Sure, you can also buy them on the marketplace but you can also sell them on the market place as well.
Same, had my account since September 2003, only difference is I spent $3,503.81 instead of $842, that being said, I bet most of mine comes from Dota 2.
I would, but it seems like far too much effort to attempt to categorize 800+ games, they’ll just stay there in that jumbled mess forgotten for years like most of the steam games I buy
Really gotta stop putting spoilers in the headline there, champ.
Considering how atrocious everything about starladder has been, from the observer to the production quality, it’s a good thing you now have the choice to watch someone who actually knows how to observe. Of course this doesn’t go for all TOs but it definitely applies to Starladder.
In the trailer he says “C’mon Pete, you got this. You got this, you got this, you got this.”
Enhanced Steam, I like it
No problem, what’s another few dollars to the $900 I’ve already spent on Dota2. Am I right?
That’s just the monkey king terrain, regular terrain has it as just a small flat cliff top next to the bigger cliff top.
No, Origin only.
But it has confirmed multiplayer
That article is absolutely ridiculous. Video games are 100% about fun, if they weren’t fun no one would be playing them because they’d be trash.
I didn’t think it was even possible for me to refund a game that fast.
I refunded because the netcode was absolutely atrocious and couldn’t play with my 3 friends, I’ll only repurchase it if they ever get around to fixing that, which they wont.