
My assumption is that they think if school children see an abortion clinic on a daily basis the concept of abortions will be normalized as something that is acceptable and available.

Its the same reason conservatives didn’t want Gay Marriage legalized- the more public and open people are about an issue over a long

She made herself a lot of money and got herself a book deal, and is the only person responsible for her TV career.

If you believe the basic tenants of feminism like, equal pay, access to healthcare, bodily autonomy and reductions in sexual violence are “very progressive policy” then you probably aren’ta feminist to start with.

I’m not buying any of this feigned shock and outrage at Trump from “traditional” “family values” or “fiscal conservative” republicans; this man represents the values that the party has been promoting for quite some time. Xenophobia, a culture of misogyny and oppressively sexist policies, racism, homophobia, religious

“You have my vote”

 some argue that her laser focus on winning the election has been more of a detriment than anything else.

Needs more stars, voter suppression from the GOP is real. As opposed to voter fraud which is not. 

Maybe we address it by showing up for hundreds if not thousands of other elections that take place throughout the country every single year? The ones for positions that actually affect public policy over time much more than Presidents... y’know, the way the far right did for decades until we got into the current

Jill Stein is not the solution to your issues with Clinton. Get involved with local politics.

We need to start rebutting “vote your conscience” with “vote your brain.”

I appreciate and respect the sentiment, the bravery, and the integrity in taking a stand even in the face of violent opposition.

Samson had good hair tho.

Trump’s whining about how mean Clinton’s negative ads are, when the main one is literally just audio of awful, gross things he’s said.

Maybe if you can’t handle not harassing women in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce.

I hate when they describe it as a heartwrwnching decision. When I volunteered at PP the women were usually happy about their decisions and adamant they didn’t want a child at that time. Quite a few wanted sterilization but had difficulty finding a doctor who would do that.

As emotionally rolling it was beating myself up for getting pregnant in the first place, the decision to abort remains the single most responsible and well made decision I have ever made. If I hadn’t done it I’d be forever tied to an abusive felon who would’ve ruined my life and that of the baby we would’ve had. And

This! I’m pretty sure most women start considering the decision every time a period is a few days late.

I doubt most women suddenly start considering abortion as a potential choice after they found out they’re pregnant. Abortion likely became a consideration as soon as they became sexually active, at least as a thought experiment.

No fucking shit.

They should have to face waiting periods and a wand in their private parts before they propose such idiotic bills. While we are at it they should have whateber is the transvaginal ultrasound equivalent for men every day they won’t act on the Supreme Court nomination just to aid them with their thinking because that is