Umm ok, well, Protestanism has like a million subdenominations, so I’m not sure where your blanket statement is coming from. Lots of Protestant denominations are way more progressive than the (official) Catholic Church.
Umm ok, well, Protestanism has like a million subdenominations, so I’m not sure where your blanket statement is coming from. Lots of Protestant denominations are way more progressive than the (official) Catholic Church.
Dr Larycia Hawkins: Victim of shitty academic job market, had to take job anywhere she could get one.
No, it’s not crazy, but Bristol deserves all the condemnation she gets—not for being an unwed mother twice over, whose children have different fathers, but for being a fucking hypocrite.
Heck, I’m surprised she isn’t in trouble for insinuating that the Pope is Christian.
TL;DR Bristol Palin is incapable of passing up a raw dog, and her parents will do anything to make sure she’s seen as a innocent, persecuted Christian who Satan repeatedly makes dicks appear in her vagina.
I get your point, but as an Evangelical Christian college, they really, really don’t give a shit about what the Catholic pope says.
Did Sarah hire these people to fake torment Bristol so the Palins could stay relevant for five more minutes?
Well, it’s not like most academics are choosing from a dozen choices of where to work.
Is there a separate article for the Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist professor? Because while these are both professors facing termination, they are for vastly different causes.
People like having money to pay for things and such. And some of those people might have to take opportunities they wouldn’t have otherwise under different circumstances.
I was thinking something “cause-y”along the lines of L’Oreal Smooth Intense Frizz Taming Serum. Stands up to the intense humidity of Uruguay as you place the final shingle on your Habitat For Humanity project.
Has anyone ever read Tom & Lorenzo? Someone should put them on the red carpet. They’re great at critiquing fashion and they’re funny.
I, for one, would really like to know what Julianne Moore thinks about Hegelian dialectics.
Tried watching a Brit short documentary on YouTube with the auto-generated captions turned on last night. No idea where some of those words came from. Self-generating captions are beyond our grasp right now.
this is the exact reason we fought the american revolution, iirc
My first Mumblecore was Gosford Park. Barely understood a word of that thing. Even Ryan Phillipe.