
Nah, if they had wanted a fat woman, they would have advertised for a funny female friend, lonely cat owner, or someone failing at a diet.

BUT they all speak with British accents to indicate that it’s set in parts exotic!

Well the first step is to support more diversity for writers who aren’t white to right about characters who aren’t white.

also why would that suddenly apply? pharmacists have always had to fill birth control pills, why would it being available over the counter change anything?

Fuck that noise. You’ll supply it when asked and LIKE it.

Ignore the supermommies. Most of them are unhappy and unfulfilled, and deal with it by becoming hypercompetitive and taking it out on the rest of us.

Dr. Alison Edelman of Oregon Health & Science University told KOIN she supports the new law, but points out some providers are afraid that women may not come in for preventative check-ups since they are able to get birth control at a pharmacy.

+1 From the mouths of babes....

I think that our youngest walking into the living room and saying “Our house is beautiful now!” will probably do it. If that won’t do it, nothing will...

I have been a SAHM for almost seven years. I am also kind of a hermit. With my first kid I was totally overwhelmed. She nursed more than I have ever seen a human eat. I barely wore a shirt and being new to breastfeeding I wasn’t as comfortable nursing in public as I am now. But I learned.

Do you think that maybe going back to work would be the right thing for you? Staying home full time isn’t for everyone, and neither is the working mom thing. I worked two days a week, and that was perfect for me.

We are saving forty thousand dollars this year, through various methods( eBay, Craigslist, overtime, switching to a dumb phone, cutting grocery budget, etc) to buy our way out of our goddamn underwater, too small, crappy neighborhood, shitty school system house. All last year we worked on paying off all our consumer

i resolved to drink less too, and here i am with the shiraz. i’m definitely going to try to not drink on weekdays.

I am currently finishing some applications to go back to school in the fall to become a speech therapist! Come Monday I will be going to my old high school and community college to have my transcripts go out. I'm actually really excited to be going back.

This post is just in gratitude to Mark Shrayber for pulling my ass out of the greys yesterday. Praise be.

I am gonna continue my massive decluttering of my house, before my husband’s hoarder tendencies take over him again.

I went for a walk on the beach this morning, let’s see how long I can keep that up.

I resolve to drink less and be more patient. I resolve to work on my OCD and be less rigid. I resolve to “go with the flow” and learn to be more flexible.


Rob Lowe as the murderous husband anyone?