Why is Biden better than Hillary? Is it his coddling of the credit card industry? His support of the war on drugs? His genius foreign policy ideas? His age? The many more years as an out-of-touch Washington insider he has? Oh yeah, he’s a man and he’s “genuine,” whereas Hillary is a lying, frigid, calculating bitch of…
You say that like she gives a shit about anyone else but herself.
I don’t want Hillary to win the nomination, but if she does, I’ll be at the polls waving Hillary flags because the Republican alternatives are objectively terrifying. All the liberals I know feel the same way.
Hardly any of the really good ones actually want to run for President. Though that may be what makes them really good. She has a point though. As much as we may tout the position of President as being the highest job in this country, we’ve seen during Obama’s terms that even with a great smart person running the…
It’s good tho that we have a fighter in the Senate. There’s a lot that a senator can do that a president can’t because the latter has such a wide range of responsibilities, foreign and domestic. I think Warren is at her best fighting for the people on issues that most directly impact us, and that’s a job that can be…
He cherishes women he would like to fuck and women he is related to... If gawker is to be believed there may be some overlap in that Venn diagram.
He knows he’s not going to win over any rational people, so why bother trying if it’s going to risk alienating the irrational ones who already support him?
Yes, Donald, women all know the word shrill. Just like we all know what it means when politicians cherish us.
Ah yes, “shrill”. Right up there with “bossy” and “aggressive”. Thank goodness he keeps reminding us how much he cherishes us or I might have taken this the wrong way.
Not if it’s digital! Then it’s just off and not displaying a time at all.
She should realize by now that her party’s slogan is “if we can’t have it our way, then no one can have it any way”
That’s such a limited view.
Look, Ted Cruz wants a lot of checks, but he's had it up to here with your balances. Up. To. Here.
It’ll be a good way to deal with ungrateful millennial so and their selfies and tanning beds. If they want a tan, they can get one from the flash of a nuclear warhead!
A Muslim president would no more turn government control to sharia law than Catholic JFK turned it over to the pope—as many feared. Grow up, people. Besides, with the lack of autonomy to women, the Rs are the ones pushing for sharia-style.
Once in a while he shows us that he’s got more spine than so many of his colleagues on the right.
You can push him down a flight of stairs while I attack him with a wire hanger.