themeaghanshow: season 3

Hi! I’ve missed your cackle! Although Frankie is no laughing matter.

Does he usually look like Frankie Grande? Because that can’t help.

Because he bought his way in with his personal fortune, he’s unqualified and she’s a fucking senator. Also because I can and I’m right. 

I’m just livid over this. Yang is still in this. YANG. Glad the DNC fixed the “corruption” so that billionaires can buy their way onto the debate stage. Thanks Berners.

They all got what they wanted. Anyway...Bernie isn’t gonna win. Warren isn’t looking much better. We’ll end up with one of the billionaires or Biden. And if black turnout is even lower, welp. I guess we’ll see what happens. Like I said, I’m sitting this shit out until my number is called.

That’s cute that you think young “Democrats” are responsible for this nonsense. Loving all the Kamala post mortems today when all you did was shit on her.

Does Netflix Jesus count as light skinned? I mean. What even is this article

Oh fuck off with this disingenuous take. The Jezesplinter universe has been shitting on all the candidates who are not Saint Bernard and particularly Kamala Harris. So don’t pretend you give a shit now that the white dudes win again. 

So.... not even going to link to the trailer?

“How can I show the world just how shitty I am in just four words?”

This headline was in very poor taste. The person who wrote it should be ashamed of themselves


Disgusting headline and article. You should be ashamed of yourself for this trash. How would you feel if I said the same thing about your pet or a family member? Grow up seriously. You are a bitter and cold soul. 

Ha ha. You’re too cool to care about some internet cat but they made you write the article anyway. Ha ha. Who cares about some cat.

I’m so happy to see how many people are calling out this bullshit headline. I LITERALLY cried in my office today when I saw her humans Facebook post about her passing. Then to see this cold, callous, bullshit headline was just.... icky.

WTF is that headline? Really?

Agree completely.  RIP sweet Lil Bub. 

She only got sick a month ago 

This headline. Oof. I really loved that sweet little guy, and I’m not even much of a cat person. Seeing this was not a great way to receive the news. I know your brand is snark, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to consider a little compassion.

Creeping on his wife? Interesting take.