
Seems like reminding some folks that Palestinians are human beings too and deserve to live and have their human rights respected as well makes them think you’re a Nazi, huh?

wtf is this? Having a reasonable criticism of Israel’s response isn’t some gateway to anti-semitism.

The only way to stop Netflix cancelling you early is to cancel yourself first.

I fail to see the problem. 

I thought he was the most fun character actually, very silly in every way though. 

He was 100% NOT the problem with that movie. None of the (re)casting was.

Awful? Thought it was one of their best episodes ever.

1. Kudos to the cinematographer for keeping it just tight enough on Lashana Lynch’s face that it would be difficult to see the Binary marks at first. Bringing Kelsey Grammer back was just wonderful as well.

Replying to myself because... Kinja.

I regret the above comment. That was me being an asshole. I apologize.

I don’t disagree with your sentiment but I find it incredibly odd that you went to a Marvel movie on a Thursday opening night, comment in fan communities, and you’ve seen NONE of the TV series?

You didn’t watch it, don’t lie.

Has he tried not being a cunt?

DD is in the trailer.  around 1:27. 

I think Marvel caught lightning in a bottle with their first 22 films (Iron Man all the way to Endgame) and while there’s still plenty of great movies to come (and have already come out since then) I think it’s unlikely that we will get such a well told overarching storyline spanning that many movies ever again.

Pretty sure we’re doing Secret Wars to establish the MCU as 616 officially since it is the mainstream continuity for the vast majority of Marvel fans.

The Brian Williams method.

It’s gotta be Sanderson, right? 

Fox tried to adapt The Passage into a network TV show. It lasted one 10-episode season in 2019.

Who let your worthless troll ass out of the greys? Abort yourself.

Imagine being so shitty that you would gloat with glee at the prospect of people being fired for demanding humane treatment.