
Well, that brief shot of jet-skis in front of a store made more of an impact on me than anything that happened in Secret Invasion.

You shut your rare-earth, transition metal mouth, Yttrium. AoS was fun, and several of us really liked it!

Still better than an NFT.

I don’t understand the point you are trying to make. Might makes right? I run a YouTube channel for my job. It only has a few hundred subscribers. Does that mean that the Mr. Beast channel is “better”? It’s two completely different channels, with different audiences, created for two completely different reasons.

Yes, and it’s called the Swarm.

The TV show Zoo was pretty good. It’s basically about animals of the world uniting to take down humans. It’s based on a book by James Patterson, so enjoyment of that may be personal preference. 

I mean they are smart mammels, they might be smart enough to realize any massive problems with the ocean might be because of the people who keep killing them in travel in large objects on the top of the ocean.

Conservatives believing literally any stupid shit.

No Whitest Kids You Know?! 

Just to really hone in on its word-of-mouth legs, Flash and Elemental opened on the same weekend, with Flash nearly doubling Elemental’s opening weekend tally (THAT’S how bad Elemental opened)

Or that’s what THEY want want you to think. Dun Dun dunnnnnn!

If true, does this mean that the Trump animatronic is trans?

Check the bite marks...

It’s okay, the real Trump looks fake too.

Christopher McDonald as a Tucker Carlson expy is inspired casting.

I didn’t feel the push to link it with the other movies

I think this is...kind of correct. I often don’t feel like I am watching a standalone movie anymore, but just the latest part of a serial.

Is his secret that he’s Nick Fury’s son?

It’s hard to take you seriously when “woke” is at the top of your list of criticisms. If only the $100B corporate empire built off Princess merch wanted to “dismantle the Patriarchy.” I wish.

That’s on Hulu in the U.S.  I know Disney Plus offerings can differ depending on what country you are in.