
I assumed this was a joke, but nope, you’re just a fucking moron. 

Unfortunately, the R rating is 90% of why this movie works. It’s not that anything is graphic, but the rating is baked into the fight choreography, which is really the best part of the movie.

Huntress was criminally underused. Like, to the point where I want to use the word “barely” to describe how much she’s in it. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is just so incredible that she does a ton with what little she has. I’m worried the tepid response means the suits at WB won’t do a sequel with the Birds of Prey or

Hear that everybody? Don’t worry, Lafcadio Fern has everything under control because they possess the ability to see into the future and there is no reason to panic, this is all a bunch of nothing...

This 40-something disagrees with you on both counts.

Look, I agree that his hubris got the best of him and he didn’t belong there, but neither did a lot of those people and they said a lot less of substance than him (looking at you, Delaney and Ryan). He was just bested by the candidates who were going to best anyone. So I think “humiliating downfall” might be a little

This is why we are so worried. I could care less if they opened up in Brooklyn, just don't start slipping. The scary thing to me is private equity. Whataburger has one of the highest per store gross revenue of all the large fast food chains.  They also have more staff and higher food costs.  My worry is they are going

Nah, fuck you.

Maybe it’s my eye-sight, or monitor, or just a slow Monday, but with that header image, it took me a moment to understand what I was looking at.

He probably meant Chris Pratt, the more commonly touted name suggested for playing the role. Though really most of the Chrises are on most of the lists, so it’s not that much of a stretch to think Pine’s been on somebody official’s mind.

Can you use discounted gift cards to make the purchase? Even if so it sounds stupid, but it’s easy to get $100 credit for $90.

As the mother of a 12 year old girl I have to confirm that they can and do indeed change that quickly.

Spoiler free, I’d say the best time is in a few of the quieter moments between 2 characters having a more emotional conversation. They are good convos but not a ton of plot is given in them so I’d say those are the best bet to sneak out.

Agreed. I was mostly on Rob’s side last week that the premiere made some strange choices and was kinda meh, but he’s a bit too dismissive of a lot of scenes this week. I can kinda agree with the Grey Worm/Missandei part, but the Davos and Brienne scenes absolutely worked 

If you knew a single thing about American soccer you’d know how unready the USL is for pro/rel. This is just eurosnob puffery. 

She’s already made her choice.

So, ten to fifteen years ago, I would be the same way, but now, man, I’m getting old and my bladder is just not as up to that challenge.

Joe Biden is not getting my primary vote if he runs.

“I’m gonna go write my own Flash script! With Grant Morrison, and hookers! In fact, forget the script!”