
So does Bendis reboot the entire DCU immediately like Johnny Big Balls or only retcon the fuck out of any book he touches piece by piece?

It prefers little planet.

I think Universal is seriously overestimating the amount of quarters I carry in my pockets.

Not Google

The PT Cruiser was uncool at launch.

It was a running gag in Phase 2

Can we all just agree that these phones are basically all the same now? We reached feature parity years ago. The hardware is pretty similar. The software may look and work differently, but they do essentially the same thing. I am so out of the smartphone game, and I have been for the past few years, because, at this

To be fair, he has three faces:

It is a show about a kung fu master and the actor playing him can’t do kung fu nor can the director or editors SHOOT kung fu.

But then people might think you play Monopoly.

Now playing

It’s Toby’s fault. Toby, why are you the way that you are?

Now playing

I know one actor who realized the movie he was in was shit. Note how Affleck, Fishburne, and Irons are the only three of the main cast to not blame the critics, or at the very least have said nothing, following the release of Crazy Steve v. Super Jesus.

This is probably the best Kinja I’ve ever read. Thank you.

The sound clip they played at the end reminded me of this: