
Netflix shows are like Fox shows in the aughts... not worth the investment because they will get canceled 

I recall the comparison being something along the lines of Community being about actual nerd culture and BBT making fun of nerd culture...

Damn it Sony!!! Get Tom Holland to dye his hair blonde for him to say Peter B. Parker a lot and put him in these damn movies....

I think it was here where I read the interview where Harmon stated the writers room is now with people that watched the show. A lot of the canon episodes are coming from them as fans wanting to know what happens next. He admits that he doesn’t think about it much until it’s brought to his attention. 

Did i miss how they fixed the other space holes/jump point holes? Maybe it ended up on the cutting room floor but wouldn’t the natural reaction be “hey let’s use this bangle to undo the tear the other one made? 

Looking at our current state of political affairs... maybe the government declares that discrimination against mutants is no longer an issue. then the story can give background on a “don’t say mutant” law to protect children, censured congress representatives to speaking out about pro-mutant rights, anti-mutant

Harmon said of the fan reaction to the new voices. “The characters are still alive.

I wouldn’t say the crowdfunding was bad just everything was late (which is pretty common with crowdfunding). I didn’t give enough to be part of the induvial virtual meet and greets, but the public ones were cool. As for the episodes of season 13 everything worked out well in my opinion.

I look forward to our elected officials using these funds to reward their campaign contributors or give fat contracts to their friends and family. Not holding my breath if it turns out the grid gets fixed for “red” areas but not much was done for the “blue” areas of Texas.

missed it, gonna take a second look. thx

Were these stores trying to compete with fast fashion box stores or was it more of an amazon basics type store, basic white/black tees, socks, and undies?

While full release can be seen as a bad thing, it might lean more on Disney’s nervousness that audiences might not come back to a new heroes show with a slow burn story.

Lets start by saying that superhero fatigue is NOT a thing. Having fatigue of having to do homework by watching three shows and three movies that are not directly related to the movie showing in theaters IS a thing. It becomes a chore to have to go back to a movie you really weren’t interested in or having to add TV

Marvel Comics 616-a

There’s no law saying a giraffe can’t play football ...supreme court justice can’t... *check notes*... sell out their country for $$$

Has anyone asked him what author he could see finishing his work if he was unable to?

I feel there are options to help modernize the works without making them superhero’s or going too far into sci-fi. Dracula could lean into a story similar to FXs the strain. Mummy should do the South American story and could be a soft sequel (again set in modern times) aren’t we using laser mapping to find lost cities

I take back on the negative things I’ve said about their children. They are as well adjusted as they could be, considering all this nonsense.

lol, 90s movies where hip hop is forced in. while a fan of hip hop/rap i always wonder what numbers/stats do movie executives have that make them say... you know what this movie needs... whatever rap songs we can license for this amount of money.

I’m open to it... just stay away from my Texan god given right to Turn Left on Red...