
Its only a matter of time before the popular instructors leave to form their own fitness brands. If that happens and their followers leave peloton, I could see another company circling depending on stock price to swoop in and buy peloton.. Nordictrack, bowflex, maybe one of the mirror companys or even hydrow trying to

If only Fox news had a similar punishment 

Look forward to Nexstar rebooting baywatch, renegade, american gladiators, and whatever non copy righted sword and sandal tv show they come out with.

another Coulson LMD?

Agree, audiences might not come back week after week for this new show but maybe if they binge two or three episodes they might get hooked and finish the series.

14 seasons and some movies?

It’s still the 40 mile long airport runway and the plane that takes 20 plus minutes to try to take off from.

Marvel would be smart to leave the actors alone and let them miss the characters/work/money. They could lean on warlock/Stallone led ravagers/Nova film.

Googles “can i buy the rights to Atari’s ET game”

How to train your dragon and most Pixar films show that a kids movie can be more than a simple forgettable story right? 

I for one look forward to the video game spoof movie that will follow. I mean how didn’t enjoy scary movie, superhero movie, not another teen movie, spy hard, and naked gun 33 1/3.

Bo-Katan spin off where she raises Paz Vizsla’s son!!!!

does he just follow the Louis CK playbook? Disappear for a few months, start with some small shows (youtube/twitch channel) followed by a show on a new streamer?

I feel like an easy deal could have been made with a local rapper/spoiled rich kid or low level gang/drug dealer. probably selling the cars 40k/50k with everyone in the room knowing it has to be repainted and Vins have to come off.

saw a tweet asking if zoomer know caddyshack, followed by “I thought it was a happy gilmore reference”. To be fair though do young people drink michelob?

I’m ok giving the nepo babies a chance (in entertainment). I understand the argument but most nepo babies without talent won’t last long in entertainment. Chet Hank’s isn’t headlining the Grammys with his rap performance. Will Smiths kids aren’t the stars of Summer blockbuster films year after year. I gladly take nepo

so is this an opportunity to use the Lyriq template and use it under a chevy nameplate? tweak some things and get it to fit the discount? 

I’m told up until the late 70s you would be able to walk with your loved one to the inside the plane, sit down and chat without a ticket. The first announcement from the flight crew would be asking people who weren’t flying to exit the plane before the closed the doors.

attacked by a member of the LGBTQ community in attempt to get him to change his material”

*clicks on the root to see if Dave/SNL is a story there