
does he just follow the Louis CK playbook? Disappear for a few months, start with some small shows (youtube/twitch channel) followed by a show on a new streamer?

I feel like an easy deal could have been made with a local rapper/spoiled rich kid or low level gang/drug dealer. probably selling the cars 40k/50k with everyone in the room knowing it has to be repainted and Vins have to come off.

saw a tweet asking if zoomer know caddyshack, followed by “I thought it was a happy gilmore reference”. To be fair though do young people drink michelob?

I’m ok giving the nepo babies a chance (in entertainment). I understand the argument but most nepo babies without talent won’t last long in entertainment. Chet Hank’s isn’t headlining the Grammys with his rap performance. Will Smiths kids aren’t the stars of Summer blockbuster films year after year. I gladly take nepo

so is this an opportunity to use the Lyriq template and use it under a chevy nameplate? tweak some things and get it to fit the discount? 

I’m told up until the late 70s you would be able to walk with your loved one to the inside the plane, sit down and chat without a ticket. The first announcement from the flight crew would be asking people who weren’t flying to exit the plane before the closed the doors.

attacked by a member of the LGBTQ community in attempt to get him to change his material”

*clicks on the root to see if Dave/SNL is a story there

LOL, wow, I’m remembering all the times i would pause the game, go do other stuff and just to come back fresh and not risk losing my lives and having to start over on 1-1.

Duckhut trick i knew, mario one i did not.

Does he have any diary entries from November 1987 to March 1988?

Hamm (who also produced) proves to be a solid choice for the character; after 20+ years of younger casting choices coming and going,

I forget what Miramax movie i rented that showed the Clerks trailer way back when... but it was the next movie that was rented the following weekend. While i did enjoy CII, i’m not sure it was a story that needed to be told.

Same, I haven’t really paid much attention to Chevys infotainment systems. Do they still have buttons? Is it weird that this is now becoming a feature I have to pay attention to when making decisions on car purchases?

White twitter demands you pick a side

If someone just leaves a bike out of place? a bicycle that requires little to no effort to move? something that can be done with one hand and take about 5-7 seconds of time? Yes, i will move it out of the way. every. single. time.

lol, during the credits to sandman i was like... i should really make time to come back and see these credit designs, they look cool.

i can understand that they didn’t want to go with HBO+ but the whole HBO GO, HBO Now, HBO MAX thing didn’t help at all.

so if i ever find myself in a car chase go through neighborhoods instead of the freeway?

I remember hearing Seth Rogen talking about knocked up and how it might be perceived as anti-choice. His response was something along the lines of... the movie doesn’t happen if she has an abortion. Same with Juno, but maybe i’m not the target audience that uses a film from 2007 to justify anti-choice stance and