so season two would be more a cat a mouse type of season? Obi-Wan hiding force sensitive people while Vader hunts them down? Never meeting again? Or at this point do we just say “Let them fight”
so season two would be more a cat a mouse type of season? Obi-Wan hiding force sensitive people while Vader hunts them down? Never meeting again? Or at this point do we just say “Let them fight”
laughing to myself seeing people focus on the Rebels part and having the Heir to the Empire part go over their head. I can’t wait for this to come out.
After watching this episode... Would the sequels worked better if you replaced the first order with Separatists? Keeping the imperial ships, brining back droids from prequals, peppering in old clones that rather die in battle than live any other kind of life. Snoke and Kylo being disciples/apostles of Count Dooku.…
Feel like Miles might call on the spot for help with Miguel
What’s everyone’s prediction for the amount of money it will take to give the rock glorious CGI hair?
I didn’t get past episode 3, tried watching it twice. Fell asleep the first time and just turned it off the 2nd. I went in knowing it would be a slow burn but it really felt like it wasn’t going anywhere.
I for one look forward to the XFL jokes and teremana tequila product placement in this upcoming film. But how will they fit in the Black Adam was a good movie narrative?
Movie takes during in 1960's (no doctor doom) after cosmic rays gives them powers they have to face more kree. at the end of the movie they get sucked in worm hole and pop up in 2025 or whatever year the movie is released.
I get it, getting these big name movie actors to cameo for a 6 episode tv show isn’t worth the time/money/trouble.... but i’m going to need a better story plot reason than “ i have to do this alone”
a President Desantis will appoint him for the Nation...
Florida AND... it wasn’t Gay nor was it promoting African American studies
do those movies meet the box office metric listed? Doubling the amount from the previous films?
nah... collectors editions... should sell out
Say Whaaaaaat?
It’s not a new concept, you look at arena soccer, beach soccer, volta. Pique just embracing media streaming and yes changing/adding calvinball rules.
Her getting in a pissing contest with Disney makes much more sense than her treatment of VFX staff members. Disney is fully aware of what they do to VFX. They haven’t cared, outside of doing something illegal this wasn’t it. But Disney does have this up their sleeve and will use it against her in the press.
does he just follow the Louis CK playbook? Disappear for a few months, start with some small shows (youtube/twitch channel) followed by a show on a new streamer?
After years of dealing with stuffy nose, watery eyes my doctor have me a prescription for loratadine (claritin) at the age of 12. He told me “two things are going to happen. You are going to take this medicine for the rest of your life or you’re going to move out of Houston”. I’ve gone through every prescription since …
I feel like this is a bigger deal because its star wars. I’ve heard stories where up and coming writers are given shelved scripts to punch up in hopes of brining it to production only to find out a handful of people worked on it before (or after them). I want to say this is more with comedies than large global franchis…
Came here to say that the reddit rumor mill has her a slave driver for VFX/Animation.