
Yup, just needs to win the dark saber in combat and tame a mythasaur. Instant prophy fulfilling legend, that a cult would follow to their death.

1. Bo-Katan can challenge for and win darksaber, return to Mandalore and use it to tame the mythasaur,. Use the cult for uniting/ruling all Mandalorians. Once achieving goals can take off helmet and do whatever she wants. Is the cult really going to question a darksaber wielding, mythasaur riding Mandalorian?

brendan fraser and gaga as members of the department of occult armaments

I have nothing against Waititi at this point i’m knowingly aware of what he creates. But is having him stay on an admission that Kennedy made a mistake of kicking Lord and Miller off Solo. 

I feel like an easy deal could have been made with a local rapper/spoiled rich kid or low level gang/drug dealer. probably selling the cars 40k/50k with everyone in the room knowing it has to be repainted and Vins have to come off.

I have no idea how hollywood works but i find it hard to believe that he can’t get his agent to get him a meeting with someone in WB/DC that can send word to James Gunn. Or at least get some type of official message that WB is purposely distancing itself from all things CW.

Lakeith Stanfield for Reed Richards

It was an ok movie, but my kids came out of it wanting socks not buzz. Maybe it could have been a bit more epic, lean a little on the star wars side and have the space rangers already at war with Zurg (change the twist of zurg’s identity). Having buzz as a cadet no one believes in who becomes a hero or climbs ranks to

I hope the Loki cut scene is possibly Nathaniel Richards, which would set up a Kang vs Kang Avengers movie.

Posted it in the other Antman post but they easily could have made the story that she lead the rebel forces to victory (after enabling him), leaving Kang for dead and suffering heavy causalities. Maybe add a throw away line about a therapy session Janet is in, which everyone thinks is about spending time in QR but in

But the Loki variants weren’t pruned. He who remains decided that only a Loki could take over the TVA and keep the multiverse under control. They sent the Lokis to the end to see who was smart enough to get past the fog and meet Kang.  

So they should go back to Quantum Realm and get Ant tech or a colony of super ants they can throw at variant kangs?

As far as plot is concerned, they could have adjusted the story to Janet and rebels defeating Kang and leaving him for dead while having heavy casualties. Then the answer would have been, Janet thought he was dead and was dealing with survivors guilt/ptsd (going to therapy). Everyone in the group could have thought it

saw a tweet asking if zoomer know caddyshack, followed by “I thought it was a happy gilmore reference”. To be fair though do young people drink michelob?

Look forward to Gunn brining in authority, building them up over the course of a movie and tv crossovers just to have Superman come in and do his heat vision lobotomy

i read the “Britain’s first garbage truck for space” article but I’m wondering why our collective spacy agencies haven’t tried to figure this out yet. Can’t this be a side mission for the ISS? aside from governments saying that an unlisted item that looks like a surveillance satellite is really a “weather monitoring

Not only that, he can use this long term for trying to engage crypto bros to donate to his future presidential runs and make noise for him on social media.  

Its smart to get ahead of this now instead of reacting to any backlash. If he can beat the criminal court charges and settle out court for the civil suit (because this is how our justice system works now) he will be let back in or be allowed to create something new. 

I’m ok giving the nepo babies a chance (in entertainment). I understand the argument but most nepo babies without talent won’t last long in entertainment. Chet Hank’s isn’t headlining the Grammys with his rap performance. Will Smiths kids aren’t the stars of Summer blockbuster films year after year. I gladly take nepo

so is this an opportunity to use the Lyriq template and use it under a chevy nameplate? tweak some things and get it to fit the discount?