
I enjoyed it, when the credits rolled, it was asked what did it think. My opinion was it was missing something to help move on from Chadwick/T’challa, then the end credit scene rolled and nailed what I felt was missing. I love it.

attacked by a member of the LGBTQ community in attempt to get him to change his material”

*clicks on the root to see if Dave/SNL is a story there

LOL, wow, I’m remembering all the times i would pause the game, go do other stuff and just to come back fresh and not risk losing my lives and having to start over on 1-1.

Duckhut trick i knew, mario one i did not.

Will this be the Dick York vs Dick Sargent of our generation??? (everyone that didn’t understand that go google it)

MOS is better than Superman IV Quest for Peace, but below Superman I, II, III and Returns. I fully admit I’m biased putting Superman III higher than MOS but only because I’m a Richard Pryor fan.

If the rights don’t revert, I can see a loophole where they make a Skaar movie with Hulk being the “second” lead.

but what if you are reading a non spoiler review from a critic or website you trust and have agreed with in the past? If they say the movie is a mess why would you doubt it? 

obligatory “she did it first” post

leaning into the ambiguity of the situation...

Oh wow... what kind of villains have to be brought on to really pose a challenge to 8 types of superman?

Are they a thing on white twitter?

wouldn’t the goombas be ripe to be a minon style character though?

Daredevil hallway fight scene? 

mental note to not start drinking my soda until one hour into the film because i’m an old man.

Does he have any diary entries from November 1987 to March 1988?

What I wanted from Disney: Gael Garcia Bernal in Andor to act opposite of Diego Luna

Disney+: when we remaster A New Hope, let’s have Han and Greedo shoot at the same time.

Five... need one movie to setup Dr. Doom