
Is picking up the Rick and Morty comics not an option?

I have a Google Home and a Dot. I guess i’ll hold out for the review and comparison’s, then fill home with them.

I don’t think I’ve enjoyed any of the animated movies to come out in the last couple of years. Something also feels forced.

I have two little kids and am a kid a heart so this will be in my household. I remember lowering my cable package before cutting it completely and miss not being able to see any of the Disney XD stuff. so if this will carry Star Wars rebels, duck tails, and the marvel cartoons I am IN!

I remember the early days of lexus where everyone called them a mercedes benz wannabe. Its an upward climb for sure. They have to decided who to market to in the short term to build and being a trusted/respected brand in the long term. I do think dealership experience would help but maybe being a cheaper/fun

ordered them on Friday when they went down to $27. I’ve never been able to order them at $25. I wonder if I email amazon will they credit me $2.

ordered them on Friday when they went down to $27. I’ve never been able to order them at $25. I wonder if I email

The only way it would be connect is if they are on earth-34 or something. If nightwing exist in the Arrowverse /Berlantiverse it means Batman has been there for quite some time as well. Unless of course next season of arrow has a bunch of batman flash backs.

For me to move on from S1 of Iron Fist, Finn Jones is going to have to be charismatic AF in Defenders and his friendship with Luke Cage is going to have to make sense and be as charming as the Supergirl/Flash dynamic the CW puts on during crossovers.

Every time my wife tells me it’s going to rain tomorrow....

oh i’m gonna love the responses to this

clicked on this link just to see this video

Can you set this up as a podcast for future seasons and other subjects?

What should I have my children watch if I want them loyal to the empire and the ways of the sith?

So all the rebirth variant covers I purchased won’t go up in value?

Not really sure i want this now. Will Daredevil season 4 spend half its episodes dealing with the characters reactions/coping to space/aliens/thanos first and then season’s big bad second? Telling a meaningful story is hard enough without shoehorning subject matter that doesn’t fit the environment and tone of your

As a kid my mom used to watch Star Trek with her grandfather in Mexico. They moved to Texas in the late 70's and after they finished moving everything in the new house, they put on the TV and started flipping channels (turning dials?). The kids find the opening credits to a Star Trek episode and began to watch it.

Should Marvel bring in lower tier heroes just to kill them off? The Civil War round table had a post with a pic of US Agent and what a great way to kick off infinity war by introducing government sanctioned, sokovia accords rule following avengers. Then they can be the Red shirts for the rest of the film franchise.

I hope they can work something out but I don’t think it will work out. I mean if you’re writing Ant-man 2 are you going to be calling to see what the plans are for the unwritten episodes of AoS season 4? and then follow up with 5 netflix shows?

Can Iron Man 4 be about Tony creating US Agent?

Rhodey has to stay injured (for now) because it shows the stakes are high but not so high that they kill anyone off that can sell merch and make more $$$ for disney.