
Basically. I sat there and was like DO YOU WATCH THE SHOW?

Yeah. They probably kill college co-eds in their spare time.

Connor hit his gumdrop button.

In a perverse world (of my making) he will be Connor's rebound.

Well he's also the only one who's been given relationships with people that approach something multidimensional, so that could be why..

Yep. And the creators didn't even properly connect his actions to how they might undermine Michaela's confidence in her relationships—and, by extension, performance in school. It was a really sloppy episode that could have been handled better.

The main problem is that if it is symptomatic of a fundamental character trait we haven't been afforded the opportunity to see it in action outside of sexual contexts. So right now it appears to be his primary means of getting ahead. Not that I have problems with how this has been playing out, but I'd like the

I agree. I think part of the reason they seem to be trying to quickly establish he and Oliver's relationship is to maybe create a situation where he's forced to take different approaches to the work he does for Annalise. It'll also create a bit more drama. I find it interesting that just as Michaela's

Agreed. Guessing she stalks Sam since it's been pretty obvious that she really wants him (some of her scenes suggest jealousy—and I think Frank said something about it once).

It's definitely not up there with S1 Scandal, but I think it's approaching or is better than S2.

Orphan Black isn't particularly mainstream in the US. Felix doesn't have nearly as much sex with other men in the show as Connor appears to have in HTGAWM. This likely has to do w. the demographics of sci-fi tending to be straight white men, but you're right that he's not a villain. He is a bit of a Puck-like

Yeah, I don't even know what the author was trying to say in that last example.

Asian men are often stereotyped as being incredibly tech-oriented, typically working formally as computer programmers in IT. This is a pretty well-established trope (and the reason you probably haven't noticed is because these roles are nearly always ancillary to the actual story). You'll see them in most police

Can you refresh my memory.. who is Jane Doe?

This is spot on analysis. I hadn't even considered that Merrin might completely mirror Annalise's character. Nice catch.

I watch most of my shows online and am typically not spoiled by teasers or promos. 10/10 would recommend.

Hmm.. Is she betraying Annalise? That assumes that Bonnie knows who she's cheating on her husband with—and obviously that she knows Annalise is cheating at all. I think it's far more likely that she was stalking Sam (looking out for him, what ever you want to call it) and so used the information she gained doing that

I wonder if she did research on her students before choosing who would become The Five? I don't think it'd be hard for her (or her team) to do—and it might give her insight on how exactly each can be pushed. Just a thought.

Yep. I also find it very cool that in this scene of her unmaking, of her unveiling, her marriage is a focal point of that process. Because we all know how symbolic the veil and unveiling process are in traditional American weddings. There's just so much rich subtext going on; it's fantastic.

Yep. I read it also as him being familiar with homophobia with family and feeling regret because he treated someone that was similar to him—and that he'd been intimate with—like a chess piece.