The Marvel Princess

But they're not really SWAT guys, right? We're just calling them that because it's kinda what they look like, they function that way in the show, and it's easier to call them that to distinguish them from regular COs. But they're still correction officers, just in riot gear.

I also loved that moment! It was so fun and interesting to see her come to Ruth's aid in such a bizarre but sincere way.
(This reminds me of your Pairing Rankings on OITNB reviews, which I'm a major fan of, by the way.)

Well they're not actually SWAT guys though, right? We're just calling them that cause they look like it, it's kind of how they function in the show, and it's easier to say that to differentiate between them and the other guys. They're just other officers in riot gear.
I looked it up to be sure, and it says they're

Pretty sure they said the same thing about the regular guards at Litchfield, which is the point.

I think it was meant to seem disturbing in a lot of places BECAUSE of how casually it was said. Like, I'm pretty sure Angie's thing was supposed to tell us, "Hey, look at out gross and awful she is."
My opinion is that the show switches between comedy and drama so often that those things don't read well. But I don't

The nurse was shown with the rest of the hostages that Marie freed. He was in the background but he was there.
Granted, it shouldn't have been so easy to miss, and his character never made sense. But they did at least show him make it out.

Honey, just don't watch it! Life is too short to spend hours watching a TV show you don't like.

I'm thinking they actually can really spin this to make MCC and the Gov. look good. They can blame everything (Bayley, Humps, and Piscatella) on just a few "bad apples" because H and P are actually bad apples, and Bayley was being portrayed that way by Taystee and crew. And then, they can make it look like the SWAT

Maybe there were pills that reacted with each other badly? I'm on multiple different medications for different physical/mental health issues, and there are some serious pills that I could take 20 of and be fine.
But, I had a situation once where a doctor majorly effed up, and he prescribed a very common steroid for

I was thinking the governor and media will spin Piscatella's death as positive. Like, the government SWAT guys took down this crazy, inmate-torturing psychopath so they could protect the inmates. As long as the inmates are all alive, they can spin it in their favor and pin all the bad stuff that happened on a few

I also wondered about the lack of Poussey's father - I kept thinking he was going to show up and raise hell, and it never happened. It was kinda weird that the first time they showed him, he was in his house ordering food.

I know what you mean, but him being the military man that he is, it doesn't surprise me that he was more curt than emotional. That's a pretty big thing with the type of guy he's been portrayed as.

Morganstern doesn't exist. There was never an "original" book. The country it's supposed to be from is made up. That whole "translation from a lost story from a faraway land" is made up by Goldman, as well as "his" life story interjections during the novel. It's a novel within a novel.

Relfal, I hope this is an A+ meta joke/reference. If so well done.

I think I'm the only one who thought this, but I sort of thought that Coulson killing Ward was merciful. The alternative is he leaves Ward on an Alien planet, wounded and alone, to starve to death, succumb to infection, or get attacked by "It". If I were Ward, I would have preferred a relatively quick (albeit painful)

Does their fight on The Flash Crossover, where it looked like she broke up with him in an alternate timeline, count as "explosive"?

That is literally what I yelled while watching this scene.