Mister Win Blames People, Not Guns

Why is it the anarchy and looting is only a problem when it's predominantly Black?

I'd love to know what a Lexus dealer revolt looked like. Probably a lot of middle-aged guys in bad suits throwing bottles of white wine on the ground, I dunno

Her superpower is Withering Disdain. GO MAGGIE GO.

I'm all for self-driving cars, as long as they're not mandatory. If it's like adaptive cruise control in that I can turn it on and off, I'd love it. Going to be living in LA and if it means I can take a nap while my car handles the hour-long 15 mile commute for me, I'm all for it.

Communism is a heck of a racket.

Last week, Marshawn Lynch was fined $100,000 for refusing to speak with reporters after a game.

Argh! Fuck ferrari. Fuck them so much

I surely know who to thank for the bounty I eat. Sad how appropriate this is.

I'm real tired of people getting more outraged when the rape victim is a child than a grown woman. Real fucking tired of it.

Rub one in, maybe? As opposed to rubbing one out? I've heard that before.

How come none of these pics are high-def on my tablet? >:/

SKY DANCERS! That's what I was talking about!