Mister Win Blames People, Not Guns

I’m just hoping Poison Ivy makes a surprise appearance, has a scary hero moment and ends the film as Harley’s girlfriend. Either that, or Barbara Gordon on mission control giving Harley withering put-downs between instructions while rehabbing her legs on balance bars.

Nope, I’m cool over here being the only one who misses Klara and Xavin. You guys have fun, though! 

I agreed with this one so much, I just went back through and clicked on all the ads! ALL OF THEM!

How is WAVY-TV not a national network? They should be the new BET with a name like that! 

When are they gonna start fixing Android's latency issues? I'm tired of lugging around old iPhones I don't even like just for GarageBand. 

It is sad when an animal dies, but I think it’s honorable if an animal that dies is used to create other useful things like food, clothing and fuel. There’s a nobility in being able to help others beyond your capacity to act, and it continues the life of the animal long after its unfortunate demise.

Where’s your sympathy for all those poor fruits and vegetables, you dick?! They’re still ALIVE when you eat them!

GREAT! Now I can make fully vegan spaghetti without hating it. If they can get ribs and bacon right, I swear I’m going vegan.

FUN FACT: This isn’t AV Club. 

Are there really people who don’t upvote their own comments?

Girls use straws, Bill. Are you a girl? 

Who the fuck is fixing my bespoke carbon fiber butresses when Captain F-250 knocks it off with his mirror? Riddle me that, and I’ll buy the car. 

The Amish language is called Pennsylvania Dutch, you’ll find plenty of almost German words in it. I actually know a bit from working with some ex-Amish dudes on a roofing crew, it’s fun to freak them out a bit with their native tongue coming from a gangster-looking Black dude.

This all sounds like a personal problem to me. I have experience with personal problems, I can't stop commenting on other people's opinions. 

This was the old lady next door’s car when I was young.

That's because Crisis was WEAK

Go watch Leverage, it’s a trim five seasons of incredible storytelling and Aldis was incredible all through it. Thank me later!

Interchangeable bodies on skateboard-like platforms makes me wanna puke. I can't believe I couldn't buy a new car through the whole Golden Era of Horsepower we just went through. 

Slap Jack is some kind of card game, probably like Spades but with Jacks.