Mister Win Blames People, Not Guns

Of course, there is another way of looking at this, since the current GT-R has gotten so expensive yet its performance envelope isn’t dramatically greater than these older cars, instead of dropping 100,000+ on a new model pick up a “classic” R35 enjoy it for a bit and likely sell it for pretty close to what you paid

Do you really think this is a problem? 

I’m probably not the first one to say it, but FUCKIN’ BOO HOO, BITCH! They better be glad De Tomaso is only doing 72, because I would have been selling component kits so broke motherfuckers like us could build their own. 

I would like to add a star, but you're at 187 and it just seels appropriate to leave it be. 

Or-and this is just a suggestion-you could be something other than a pedant. 

What do the Juggalos have to do with anything? With the given fact that Miley and Iggy, were definitely posers, do you know many Black dudes wearing those baggy ass zipper jeans and skate shoes, wearing clownface and rapping about serial chainsaw murder? That’s textbook, well defined White Rap Shit, and it has nothing

Kate Beckinsale should have been Lady Deadpool for Halloween... Just a thought.

I was chanting boourns.

Nu-metal or Djent? Or somewhere in the middle, like Disturbed? 

For your consideration:

All G/O Media’s profits go to pay for Autoplay services.

Honestly? 4 grand is a little steep-but then, I live in Ohio, we’re choking on GM compacts. I’ll give it a Nice Price because I beat Need for Speed: Most Wanted with this car and that counts for something, damn it!!!

I would just like to know why the nicotine-free vape stuff costs 2-3 dollars MORE. Like, I gotta pay a premium to not be poisoned? 

Now playing

Oh, you hadn’t heard? Bipolar disorder is Kanye’s superpower!

all because she committed the egregious crimes of disrupting class, taking an extra milk and standing up on a school bus.

The lesson here is, DON’T try to bridle a stallion.

HELL YES WE’RE DOING THIS! Finally, BMW makes a grille worth looking at!

If I did that to my best friend she’d tell me to stop being so gay and then try to squirt me with a water gun to shoo me away.

This is all a bit odd, because if the Corvette’s engine is SAE certified to make 495 horsepower, then it’s supposed to make that much power—that’s a requirement.

Jared Leto’s Joker was the best Joker. Bar none.