Mister Win Blames People, Not Guns


They don’t WANT us drinking from the tap-where’s the profit in that? No, you go buy 14 tons of the same water, distilled one time and full of the minerals WE want in your system, and conveniently packed in too-small servings by way of non-biodegradable plastic bottles to fuck up the water even more!

I told a friend of mine who said some things like that that he was, full of shit and mad that Colin Kaepernick did more to change this country than he did with a gun.

Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

I’m just waiting for somebody from Lincoln to read the name ‘Lynk & Co.’ out loud and file a lawsuit.

And nothing of value was lost! 

I know I’m wayout of touch here, but are or were the directors of the Matrix dudes at one point? I’m confused.

You’re being sarcastic, but that’s actually true. Same mistreatment of artists and handcuffing intellectual property, same dominance in their particular entertainment niche over the same time period, and now they’re the same company.

Don't be so easy on yourself! Motherhood changes EVERYTHING, and I know a lot young mothers who relate literally everything to their motherhood the same way. 

Correct me if I’m wrong, but small aircrafts have WAY higher mortality rates than Bugattis, so I’ll spend my millions(AND MILLIONS!!!) on the car tyvm.

Personally, I think the video clapback was a bad idea. I used to read you in James Earl Jones's voice, now my illusions are broken! FIX MY ILLUSIONS, MICHAEL! 

Apropos to nothing-quite inappropriately, in fact-but this would be a perfect time for Katy to drop an album full of nasty songs, a la 12 Play. Just to take advantage of this negative publicity, you know? 

How about you Swedensplain why your country refused to do anything while Nazis were killing millions of Jews, Brits, Frenchmen, Africans, Afro-Germans, gays and political dissidents? Since we’re talking about things that SHOULD have happened.

That's highly un-American, though. 

You fucked up, Harlem is the shit. 

PROTIP: WhereEgosDare is NOT tomatoboy. Everybody who disagrees with you is not a Conservative troll! 

Hilary was 'duly elected' by a large majority of the voters, where's HER support? 

I use dish soap to wash my ass every day. It's fine if you have lotion! 

Wow, that wasn't empty at all!